KNX covers work in HA but not in Homekit


I have successfully integrated my KNX system (well sample things) into Home Assistant. Also, my samlpe cover works as it should. But in Homekit, the cover does not work. it shows in the app, the status is also correct but I can’t get it to move.

What could be the problem?

Thanks in advance!

Have a look at the Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.
Also some more information would be helpful - like HA version, configuration options or even a diagnostics file.

My HA Version is 2022.7.7 (installed it today). There is nothing in the logs. When I tab the button in Apple Home, it says that it is opening, but is it not. Also the status shows now as open both in HA and in Home, but the cover is actually closed. Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-01 um 21.16.34

And what happens when you set a new position via the HA UI slider (not the up/down arrows)?

Then nothing happens.

Then check your position_address.

Thanks, that was the problem. I just had the state address configured in ETS, but not the position. Works flawlessly now! Many thanks!

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