KNX duplicate entity


I had two covers which had wrongly the same knx addresses for short/long/position. Previously this was not a problem. Both entities (wrongly) just steered the same physical cover.

Since KNX calculates unique identifiers from the KNX addresses both covers are no “unavailable”. Solving the overlap of both KNX devices and correct them to have different KNX addresses for both covers did not solve the issue. Even after reboot both covers still are unavailable.

What to do to “reset” the KNX integration and start from scratch to solve this issue? I am using 2021.4.5.

Have a great weekend.

have you tried to remove/delete both from /config/entities and restart HA then?

I have no clue what was happening. I solved it by restoring a snapshot. Removing/Correcting the duplicate KNX addresses and then again performing the update. I have no clue how I otherwise could solve the issue. That was strange. Backups to the rescue.