I’m currently doing my first steps with HA and I want to add my KNX devices to HA.
I installed the KNX integration, established the connection with my IP Tunnel device and loaded my ETS project successful.
I watched this tutorial video on YouTube to create my first entities.
However, the created separate knx.yaml configuration file is not listed in the the YAML Configuration list. So i reloaded all. But also after reloading all files, the created entities are not shown on the dashboard and knx.yaml file is still missing in the configuration list.
Next I added the entities directly in the configuration.yaml of HA as described in the documentation:
But also after reloading the configuration files again, there are no devices shown on my HA dashboard.
The screenshot looks fine. Try restarting all HA instead of just reloading when you add the Knx section the first time.
Otherwise have a look at the logs if there are config errors.
The restart of the whole HA helps. Thank you!
However, in the video he just created in separate yml file and it was shown in the YAML file configuration list.
Migration back the separate knx.yaml was also not easy as expected. Here I got errors, when I tried to reload the files, because the knx state couldn’t be unloaded.
If you experience any errors, please consider filing a proper issue with error / log messages attached and ideally a way to reproduce it. From your description I can not imagine what was going wrong.