KNX Floor heating and Aircon will not use the same target_temperature_address

Hi all.

My house runs on KNX.

I have heated floors, and daikin aircondition.

I want to use the same temperature setpoing adresses and temperature setpoint state adresses, as every room only really needs 1 setpoint temperature, and then i can choose wether i need cooling (in the summertime) or heating (in the winter time)

IMy problem is, it seems HA only supports one climate entity that uses the target_temperature_address - and that seems higly odd as most KNX applications uses the same temperature setpoint for several systems.

The second one (the one later in the yaml file) will not be showed under entities / showed as /restored/ under entities - and hence not active.

as soon as i comment out with # either one target_temperature_address it works again - however only one of the 2 climate entities can adjust the temperature setpoint.

My yaml file looks like this.

- name: AC
  on_off_address: 2/2/10
  on_off_state_address: 2/2/50
  target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
  target_temperature_state_address: 2/1/50
  temperature_step: 0.5
  active_state_address: 2/2/50
  temperature_address: 2/0/10
  min_temp: 18.0
  max_temp: 26.0

- name: Office
  on_off_address: 2/2/110
  on_off_state_address: 2/2/150
  target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
  target_temperature_state_address: 2/1/50
  temperature_step: 0.5
  command_value_state_address: 2/3/50
  temperature_address: 2/0/10
  min_temp: 18.0
  max_temp: 26.0

Anyone has any good ideas on what i can do to make this work?

The aircon system can heat and cool. The floor heat can ofcourse only heat. it is 2 different systems - i just want to use the same setpoint temperature for both systems.

It seems like Home ASssistant in general can only use a gorup adress for one entity. A group address that is sending data - ei. a temp. sensor, can be used in more than one entity - however a kns group adress where HA needs to write data to 8Ei. Target_temperature_address or just address in a switch or a light, can only be used in one entity.

That does not make sense at all to me - it must be a bug? all other KNX visualizations can handle that - and HA can handle it alongside physical switches and other visualization systems.

The reason for it is unique id generation. See

Hi Matthias, that seems to be the problem yes. Is there a way to navigate around this. IE create a “cover” group adress, and create some kinde of automation to send that data to the original address?

it. i have my temperature_target that is 2/1/10. If i create an extra one called 4/1/10 and whenever i send e.i. 24,0 degrees to 4/1/10 it will foreward 24,0 degrees to 2/1/10?

any good idea on this? can node red do it?


You can work around this in 2 ways

  • create a new address for some sending feature (not state) (ie. target_temperature_address) and connect it to the actuator in ETS. One of the climate entities send to the original and one to the new address. Since the state address is the same, the actuator will synchronize other devices when receiving a new value on either GA.
  • expose one of the state features (ie. temperature_address) from some entity (climate or sensor) to a new internal address (i-some_string). Use this same internal address in your entity configuration of the second climate entity.

Hi again.

It is not really possible for me to add a second group adress on the in the actuator via ETS, as i do not have the ETS file - and i do not want to reporgram all my system (yet at least).

I am not sure what you mean with my second option here.

I have 2 climate control units (Aircon and floor heating) that basically uses the same setpoint temperature adress. I cannot really change this facts via ETS as i do not have the ETS file.

So i am looking for some way to circumvent this issue.

I have tried - just for the fun of it, coming up with a non-exisiting group adress for target_temperature_address - 10/010 - that is not used in the system. This also fails. I would imagine, that if i was able to add the adress to the actuator via ETS, it would not fail.

I simply do not understand what you mean by exposing one of the state features from one entity to a new address. could you please try to explain it better :slight_smile: ?

It would look something along this:

    - type: temperature
      address: i-office-tt_state
      attribute: temperature

    - name: Office
      temperature_address: 2/0/10
      target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
      target_temperature_state_address: 2/1/50
    - name: AC
      temperature_address: 2/0/10
      target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
      target_temperature_state_address: i-office-tt_state

it basically loops the current target temperature from the entity to an internal group address used by the second entity via expose

Hi again,

thank you - that makes a lot of sense. It was something like this i was looking for. However, my heating floor is now working - as allways - but my AC is showing as unavaliable.

this is my configuration:

- name: Office
  on_off_address: 2/2/110
  on_off_state_address: 2/2/150
  target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
  target_temperature_state_address: 2/1/50
  temperature_step: 0.5
  command_value_state_address: 2/3/50
  temperature_address: 2/0/10
  min_temp: 18.0
  max_temp: 26.0

- name: AC
on_off_address: 2/2/10
on_off_state_address: 2/2/50
target_temperature_address: i-office-tt_state
target_temperature_state_address: 2/1/50
temperature_step: 0.5
active_state_address: 2/2/50
temperature_address: 2/0/10
min_temp: 18.0
max_temp: 26.0

#Translate target_temperature_address
- type: temperature
address: i-office-tt_state
attribute: temperature

it creates a new entity as the unique_id is changed again (for the internal address).

Sorry, like this:

- name: AC
  on_off_address: 2/2/10
  on_off_state_address: 2/2/50
  target_temperature_address: 2/1/10
  target_temperature_state_address: i-office-tt_state
  temperature_step: 0.5
  active_state_address: 2/2/50
  temperature_address: 2/0/10
  min_temp: 18.0
  max_temp: 26.0

Nad now it works. i just need to clean up all the old entities.