KNX HVAC / Fan integration (BUG ?)

I have continued today my KNX configuration, all looks to works fine except the FAN and HVAC Control.

First, i show you my ETS group access :

  1. The yaml code

3.HVAC result

When the HVAC is active the full cercle to change the temperature disappear. I can alway change it by moving the invisible cercle.

  1. FAN result

With 3 step the 4 buttons looks good except the %speed return
1 → 2100% instead of 33%
2 → 4233% instead of 66%
3 → 8500% instead of 100%

With 5 step the buttons is replace by a slide and %speed return is bad too.
1 → 1020%
2 → 2040%
3 → 3060%
4 → 4080%
5 → 5100%

If someone know whats happens :slight_smile:

Hi :wave:!
Remove max_step from your Fan config.

Thanks farmio.

Just for information, on point 2, i have fine the problem.
I have download a theme on the web and when i use it the circle coming invisible when HVAC is on.
But all is right with the included theme.