Hi guys, I’m a KNX partner who is trying for the first time HA. Actually I’m testing the configuration at my home using HAOs in a virtual box env. I’m really happy because in few days I’ve correctly integrated mqtt, influx and some other things, but I have some difficulties to understand what is going wrong in my knx integration. The addon seems to be correctly configured (router with secure on) and i see correctly the messages on the bus, but I’m not able to comunicate with it.
I made a simple knx.yaml with 1 simple entity light:
If I send switch the light, I see to 2 wrong things:
on the HA group monitor i see the message, but the paylod seems to be wrong because it send true/false instead of 1/0 as the DPT1.001 should be
I don’t see the message into the ETS bus monitor. Instead, all the message sent automatically by the actuators/sensors on the bus are correctly logged into the HA GroupMonitor and into the ETS bus monitor (I’ve both of them open).
Anyone can help me to understand what is going wrong?
Did you update your routers filter table properly? Does your Dummy have the same IA as configured in HA?
Are you using DataSecure?
Do you find any messages in your logs?
Can you see the messages from another computer (is multicast from your VM working properly)? You can use Wireshark to check.
Thanks for the interest farmio. With regards to the DataPoint, I know that they are the same from the raw data point of view, but theorically the DPT1.002 should be represented as boolean…
But anyway, let’s come to the serious things.
Did you update your routers filter table properly? Does your Dummy have the same IA as configured in HA?
Ehm… No. I mean, I didn’t read about it. So, should add a dummy device (which kind?) into my project?
With regards to the logs (at the startup):
Error: KNX bus did not respond in time (2.0 secs) to GroupValueRead request for: 1/2/0
Data secure yes and if the multicast is working properly… I don’t know, i’ll check.
Yes. Which one doesn’t really matter. Key is to have the routers filter table updated.
Secure routing with DataSecure… well, I don’t think anyone has ever tried this. But anyway, you’ll need to have the Dummy group objects connected to the GAs and update all affected devices so they know that the HA IA is a valid sender.
You may also need to import the keyfile again then.
The error you posted is a result of the read-telegrams not reaching your bus - thus getting no response.
For a start, I'd suggest to use tunnelling instead of routing. It is not that complex on the KNX side of things.
Tunnelling doesn’t work, or, I mean, I’m not able to make it functioning at this moment. It works with Ets because i’m currently connected using a secure tunnelling (i’m remote in vpn).
So I’m trying to fix the secure routing. I’ve added a dummy device and I’ve checked the multicast routing. It seems that it is working:
If tunnelling doesn’t work at all, and routing only works in one direction, this could be caused by some firewall rule.
What exactly is the problem with tunnelling?
With routing, do you see the telegrams in ETS when using routing for the ETS group monitor as well?
Probably I found the problem, but not the solution.
In order to make it work, I’ve changed the telegram route of the Ip router where I’m connected (I’ve 2 ip rounters).
When using routing, you aren’t really connected to a specific router. That would only be the case if you used tunnelling. With routing, HA just sends telegrams to the multicast group and expects every router to properly deal with that (that’s the case for every KNX routing communication - it is connectionless).
A proper set ETS dummy device should allow telegrams from HA to pass the router without setting it to no-filter mode.
HA by default uses IA 0.0.240 so your dummy should use the same if you didn’t change it.
As dummy device I used Gira Dummy Secure and the HA as 1.1.00 as physical address, the same of the dummy device, but honestly speaking, it has nothing to configure. So I tried also a device which has also some groups and I’ve associated Ga from the 2 lines I have. Nothing changed.
The Ip/Routers are MDT SCN-IP100.03
I think that I miss some knowledge about the routing mechanism…
I got the rabbit.
I’ve 2 lines (1.1.x and 1.2.x) with IP as backbone. I was testing to receive some group addresses coming from the 1.1.x, the same line of my dummy device. But really the dummy device is not on the 1.1.x, but instead on IP line. So after changing the physical address to 1.0.100, all is ok.
Really thanks for your time, farmio!