KNX issues since update to 2022.4.5

Hello everyone,

since the KNX configuration is differently in 2022.4.5, I did all the corresponding adaptations, but no chance of getting the KNX integration to work. Before the update, everything regarding KNX worked fine.

Here the KNX part from the configuration.yaml:

  #  host: x.x.x.x
  #  port: 3671
  #  local_ip: y.y.y.y
#sensor: !include solar.yaml
sensor: !include knx_sensor.yaml
cover: !include knx_cover.yaml
light: !include knx_light.yaml

and the knx_light.yaml as an example

- platform: knx
  name: Technik
  address: '1/1/21'
  state_address: '1/4/27' 

- platform: knx
  name: KellerS
  address: '1/1/71'
  state_address: '1/4/29'

- platform: knx
  name: Sauna
  address: '1/1/81'
  state_address: '1/4/9'  
  brightness_address: '1/2/0'
  brightness_state_address: '1/4/8'

The KNX integration is set to automatic (also tried to configure manually)

Every entity is unavailable and here are some error messages:

  • Unable to find referenced entities light.Technik
  • The knx platform for the light integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.
  • The knx platform for the cover integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

Hopefully someone can help me with this issue.


Hi :wave:!

This yaml Schema is not valid since about 2 years - what was your previous working version?
You can’t configure Knx sensors in a root sensor key.

# this is invalid
  - platform: knx
    name: Sauna
# this is correct
    - name: Sauna

See also Migrating to HA 0.115.x - XKNX and the documentation: KNX - Home Assistant

Since you seem to come from a very old version there will probably be more deprecated configs in your Knx yaml - a lot has changed in the past years. See KNX integrations not working anymore from 2021.6 upgrade on - #3 by farmio on how to read log messages indicating invalid yaml.