KNX: Position with travelling_time not working


I was totally happy that Home Assistant seems to support setting my covers (classical “German” roller shutters) to a certain position without the shutters offering this functionality of their own. Sadly, I did not manage to get it working. :frowning: Maybe someone has an idea?

My configuration for the cover looks as follows:

- name: 'Wohnzimmer' #  Shut_GF_Living    
  move_long_address: '4/1/1'
  move_short_address: '4/0/1'
  stop_address: '4/0/1'
  travelling_time_up: 24
  travelling_time_down: 24

When I send a service call for e.g. 30% cover like the following, the roller shutter just goes entirely down.

service: cover.set_cover_position
entity_id: cover.wohnzimmer
position: 30

For reference, here is the corresponding docs of the KNX installation which I received from my electrician (sadly I cannot afford the cost for ETS to look into the installation itself):

Thanks in advance for any hint!

Known bug.
Fixed with next update to the knx integration.

Hi farmio!

Great to hear, thanks for the info!

Eagerly waiting for the update then. :slight_smile:


J’ai enfin trouvé la bonne solution, qui est de ne pas renseigner les Time travellings:
#travelling_time_down: 52
#travelling_time_up: 54
c’est ETS qui les gère directement.

Dans ETS5 ca donne ceci:

Code :



  • name: “Bureau Haut Gauche”
    move_long_address: “7/0/0”
    move_short_address: “7/0/1”
    stop_address: “7/0/1”
    position_address: “7/0/2” #blind position
    position_state_address: “7/0/6” #slat position
    #travelling_time_down: 52
    #travelling_time_up: 54
    angle_address: “7/0/5”
    angle_state_address: “7/0/7”
    #invert_angle: true
    device_class: blind

Je dois maintenant adapter les temps de mouvement des volets et des lames car pour l’instant,
car j’ai des temps défini pour Lifedomus et ils sont un peu différents de la compréhension par HA,
pour que le curseur fasse son action de 0% à 100% de façon exacte.
Mais c’est fonctionnel ainsi après avoir beaucoup ramé