Knx sensor does not work

How to add KNX motion sensor to send instant message to HA if there is a movement ? what data type to use ? how to set that the update time should be instant and not 1 minute as in the examples in the help ?

so far i have it like this in configuration.yaml, but it’s all wrong and the sensor doesn’t work.

    - name: “Motion Corridor”
      state_address: “8/7/40”
      type: string
      sync_state: every 1

Lets start with the basics: Do you have the KNX integration setup and working?
Then you’ll have to use the correct format: KNX - Home Assistant

    - name: "Motion Corridor"
      state_address: "8/7/40"

So i made some assumptions: The sensor in question will send a 1 or 0 and not text. And you will not have to read it each second. It will trigger and update then.

The “ ” are not the correct quotes to use in yaml. You will need to use double or single quotes ' ' or " "

what data type to use

That is something you should know tbh when dealing with KNX.

Yes I have, I add some light and its work fine

I’m using the correct ones, it’s a copying error on the forum.

So I don’t have to specify the update time at all ?

If so, what type should be specified ?

No, only in specific cases will need to actively read. In this case You’ll want to know when the sensor detects movement and when not, those will be send by the KNX device.

If it sends an on or off then the binary_sensor: will suffice, its in the name.
This sensor type will be binairy by default and you will not need to specify an type.

    - name: "Motion Corridor"
      state_address: "8/7/40"
    - name: "Lux Corridor"
      state_address: "8/7/31"
      type: luminous_flux

I tried it this way but it doesn’t work, also on the sensor there are illumination readings I added them to yaml but also HA Can’t get any data

I use Steinel IR Quattro KNX (058487)

Do the sensors you created in the config show up as entities?
If you listen to the KNX bus do you see those addresses in the monitor? And it should also show what type it is.

For the Presence, I saw this

I dont understand what type is it

Its DPT 1.001, so its going to be binary (anything DTP 1.XXX will be binary)
And it seems to register just fine.
But how are you going to use it? In an automation as a trigger or just on the desktop as a status?

Now its works! thanks. I think the problem was in one space in the line of state_address the space in the end after the last ‘’

but with illuminations I still have a problem

what datatype is it ?

Everything worked with the lights too, I realized the type is 9.004 and it has to be searched through the table

Now I don’t understand why in Create KNX entity I see only Switch and Light ?
Is it better not to use KNX entity and do everything through yaml ?