KNX sensor shows status unknown

I am moving my KNX data into HA and until now all 400 entities work as supposed.
However I have the following

- name: "Garage (M5), stikk/ 1, Amp/ forbrug her og nu"
  state_address: "7/2/22"
  state_class: 'measurement'
  type: '9.021'

(for type i have also tried ‘curr’ and ‘current’

in KNX the data type is set to current 9.021, but in HA under states it only says status UNKNOWN

in the KNX diag file, there is teh following

      "name": "Garage (M5), stikk/ 1, Amp/ forbrug her og nu",
      "state_address": "7/2/22",
      "state_class": "measurement",
      "type": "9.021"

I am unable to find any error on this

Hopefully someone have an idea.

HA is on version 2022.7.3

Hi :wave:!
Anything in the Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs. about this?

Hi Farmio,
no entry in the logs about this :frowning:

Hm… that’s awkward. I would have expected at least a “Could not sync …” Warning.

To get any idea of what is going wrong there more information would be needed.

Maybe try setting log level of xknx.knx to debug and search for the GA in the logs.

Can you see a value being sent from ETS GroupMonitor to that GA?

I agree.
xknx.knx is set to debug, but no data for GA (Garage Amp) is showing.

default: warning
logs: xknx.knx: debug

KNX debug sends value 0, but fail to see that HA is calling the address

Can you post a screenshot of the ETS Monitor, the GA (and it’s assigned group objects and flags)?

Maybe try to call the HA service for the GA and see if you can spot the ReadRequest and it’s Response in ETS.

Do you use multiple Knx lines? What IA does HA use? Are you using routing or tunneling?

Hi again
two pictures from ETS (sorry for picture, but my ETS is on remote AnyDesk connection

I have added the, but in the log i do not even see the sensor

I use tunnelling and no multiple KNX (what is IA??)

Oh dear, what is that Anydesk thing and why doesn’t it allow to make screenshots? It’s really no pleasure to look at monitor photos 😵‍💫

IA is the address the tunnel is assigned to (ie 1.0.3). Yours seems to be 0.0.1 if the telegram in the first photo is the GroupValueRead (the column is too small to see it) from HA.
Depending on your topology, but my first guess is that should be something like 1.0.x or 1.1.x. You can set this somewhere in the interfaces settings (or web view depending on interface model).

In the 2nd photo you can see your 7/2/22 has no assignments - so it is an empty GA. If you open 7/2/22 you’d see it has no content. Connect it to a group object…

sorry for the camera shots, I found the trick to make a rihht one :slight_smile:

This is the setup
0.0.1 is my BuschJaeger Touchpanel

sorry I had 7/2/22 and not 7/2/2, there is a group at this one

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Aha, so this responds. Good.

In your original post you also has 7/2/22… so maybe just a typo?!

Every device should be in the same line (eg 1.1.x like Your Switch actuator) if you don’t have any line couplers or routers. I’d change the individual addresses accordingly.
(Except if this touch panel thing is an ip device , not a TP device - but you would have a router then…)
HAs IA is not shown here. You can see it in the diagnostics file or in ETS Monitor when it sends things.

Hi farmio,

yes it was a type, but in the YAML file, so I changed it to 7/2/2 and it worked.
Thks for your quick support, how embarassing that I have used last several days, looking for this error and reading god knows how much, and then it was a simple typo.

Take care :slight_smile:

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