KNX set value of analog output

I’m using an analog output (0-10V) from MDT ( to control the air ventilation. I would like to integrate this into my Home Assistant, but I don’t understand how. I know that I could define a sensor to get the current value (state_address) of the analog output, but which type of integration will allow me to set the value (percent) of the output?

Best regards

You can for example use a template sensor and in the Knx Integration expose the value via its entity_id.

I’ve defined some objects to get and set the status of the analog output. This are the relevant parts of the configuration:

  - platform: knx
    name: Lüftung Stufe
    state_address: '6/1/0'
    type: 'percent'

    name: Lüftung Stufe
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    initial: 25
    min: 0
    max: 100
    step: 10
    icon: mdi:fan

    host: IP
    port: 3671
    - type: 'percent'
      entity_id: 'input_number.lueftung_stufe_pct'
      address: '6/0/0'

It would be nice to have one object that will keep everything aligned, because right now when I change the value on the KNX bus only the sensor will get the new value and the input_number will still show the old value. I’ve tried to keep them in sync with an automation but failed misserably.

@farmio: this is what you meant with the template object, right?