KNX - Telegrams missing from spesific address


I have a KNX system setup with Loxone Miniserver acting as router. I do not have access to ETS (setup done by our electrician)

I have a Berker Brightness and Temperature Sensor V2 that exposes the brightness value at 4/1/0 and temperature on 4/1/1.

I set up both as sensors but noticed I did not get any values from the brighness address. Tried different types (illuminance, brightness and 2byte_float) but get no response. I tried turning on logging and also set ut events on the 4/1/* adresses but still see no telegrams recieved from 4/1/0. The logs from Loxone show these.

Any suggestions as to where to continue troubleshooting?


It seems to repeat that telegram to 4/1/0 a bunch of times. Usually that is the case when there is no receiver (Ack) on TP.
Do you have a proper knx ip interface at hand, or only the Loxone (which version) one? You may try to download ETS and use it as free demo version for its bus monitor.

After a few more days troubleshooting I ended up flipping the switch for the powersupply for the KNX bus and restartet everything. That solved the issue.

“Have you tried turning it off and on again?” still is the first thing to try :slight_smile: