Knx trigger doesn't work

Hi there,

I have a group address with receive a 1 or 0 from a knx wallswitch. Now I want to trigger an automation by get a 1 or 0.
But the trigger doesn’t respond.
here my try:

  - platform: event
    event_type: knx_event
      destination: 0/0/1
      telegramtype: GroupValueWrite

After that I want to read the value and start the action, is this possible?

You need to whitelist addresses: KNX - Home Assistant
So in your case that would be:

    - address: "0/0/1"

I dont think you need to specify telegramtype

You can also use the KNX interface device as a trigger:
(Stolen from Farnio :smiley: )

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the address are all in the knx.yaml but the first try doesn’t work.
Never mind…

The second one, like your Screenshot do.
But now, how can I get the information about the send value is there a 1 or a 0?

You can use templates to match the trigger object eg. in a condition.

Click the blue “Triggered” bar in the automation builder to see its values live when it fired.