KNX Virtual Device: Light

I have create a Blueprint for a Virtual KNX Light. It works like a KNX Switch Actuator with a connected light.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

The Blueprint is inspired from farmio KNX - relative dimming for lights Blueprint.


So this is a KNX switch for HA lights - nice! :+1:
But why do you limit this to the light platform? It could switch any kind of entity, couldn’t it?

But why do you limit this to the light platform? It could switch any kind of entity, couldn’t it?

It’s my first Blueprint. I want keep it simple. :grinning: I think it could with homeassitant.turn_on/off, but not for all entitiys it is useful.

Can I use more than one domain: in the entity selector?

hm… doesn’t seem so according to the documentation. what a weird limitation - didn’t expect that.

Sure picking one service for the ON telegram and one for the OFF would probably work too, but wouldn’t be as user friendly.

I think I was looking for exactly what you did. Can you please explain it a bit more in detail?

I understood that I have a virtual knx switch that I can put on a physical knx actor/switch to switch light entities in home assistant. Where would I find or set the group address now? And the group address for the status to be able to address the knx switch?

You set the GAs when you configure an automation from the blueprint - so when setting it up you’ll be asked for the GAs.

Thank you that’s exactly what I was looking for. You can change the entity from switch to light and then it also works with sockets