Kodi addon for HA

It would be great to have addon in Kodi to control HA directly from Kodi (using Kodi device remote controller). Pimatic has similar addon…

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Have you found anything on this?

I was thinking more of a ‘qwerty’ like keyboard to have full control over Kodi.

That reminds me of Fhem:

I’ve done that in the past before I use Home Assistant.

Looks at Services in the Add-on menu…

Yes! Home Cinema Automation! At first, I thought this is only for Fhem, but the description also mentions Homematic CCU. And yes, Home Assistant supports Homematic:

But I’m not sure if Homematic CCU can talk to Home Assistant from Home Cinema Automation add-on, but it’s worth a shot if you have Homematic.

Home Assistant also supports ISY and besides that, there’s an ISY add-on as well in Kodi. I’m likely to purchase the ISY controller since I have two Insteon LampLincs plug-in dimmers, but since I cannot afford it right now, again, I’m not sure if it’s possible for ISY to talk to Home Assistant.

Overall, it seems very complex on what we all want to do as Home Assistant needs to know whether a light has been turned on or not, so ultimately, it would be possible to copy the Home Cinema Automation and rewrite it to work with Home Assistant. I think Kodi will have to approve the add-on once it’s fully-functional, though, so that it can be added to the repository.

Last, but not least, the thread would need to be in Third Party Integrations forum. Home Assistant add-on for Kodi won’t be part of Home Assistant code as a whole. It’s part of Kodi.