Kodi and MPC-HC not showing Pause state

I’m using Kodi with MPC-HC as my external player. When I added Kodi to HA, I can see the status of the movie playing and when it’s stopped. The Pause status does not show and I figured it out that it has to be an issue with MPC-HC because when I use the stock Kodi player, it shows the Pause state on the media player in HA. I need the Pause state because I’m trying to trigger my lights to come on when I press Pause. Obviously it’s not working because the media player says Playing when I hit Pause. I need MPC-HC because I use MadVR. I looked up MPC-HC for HA and it’s been discontinued. Is there any way to get MPC-HC into HA if it’s been discontinued? If not, can anyone think of a workaround for Pause to make my lights come on?

I tested adding my Kodi and it’s definitely MPC-HC. As you mentioned, HA shows all the states associated with Kodi’s media player (including paused).

I would consider renaming your title to include MPC-HC. It may attract a user still using it.

From my understanding, Kodi is simply launching the MPC-HC player from the Kodi interface when the Play command is issued. Kodi is no longer in the mix after that.

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If MPC-HC is used as an external player - then Kodi knows only two events: player started (not even a playback), player exited.
There is an integration for MPC-HC, never tried.

I feel your pain). Using madVR since 2007 and only with a standalone MPC-HC, not integrated inside Kodi (declined to use it as an external player).

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One suggestion is Hass.Agent 2.1.0. I tested it and it can control MPC-HC via HA.


Interesting plugin.

It wasn’t very dynamic with previous versions(had it installed before), but I am intrigued.

This one is definitely interesting with the addition of Notifications, Sensors and the Media Player as a all in one integration.

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The Hass.Agent media player is designated for music, but the controls work for any media player that is open, including MPC-HC playing a video.

With the ability to create custom commands and sensors, this plugin has potential.

Quick Action via Hass.Agent

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For total media control in the windows player via Hass.Agent, it must include a Windows API.

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I’m assuming this is the original version of HAAS and I need to uninstall it according to the guide? I don’t want to screw anything up because my HA knowledge is pretty limited. How do I uninstall HAAS?

HASS is not supervisor so if you have not installed the previous version of HASS.Agent, you are good.

The plugin underlined in Green is what you want to install

Add https://github.com/hass-agent/HASS.Agent-Integration as a custom repository in HACS and you will see HASS.Agent 2 Integration - Media Player & Notifications

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So I added the repository and downloaded the media player plugin. I’m not sure if I missed something, but it still says Playing when I have the movie Paused.

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Got it working with MPC-HC 2.3.9, MadVR and Hass.Agent 2.1.0 …

Will test more and then share…

The state in the screenshots is reported to HA when pausing in the MPC-HC interface. I haven’t introduced launching from Kodi, but that isn’t a necessity for your automation request.

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I ended up going in a different direction because I couldn’t figure out how to use Hass Agent. I Googled how to set it up and it was just too confusing for me. I’m now using Emulated Roku with my Harmony Elite. It works based on button presses instead of the state of the media player. So now when I press the pause button on the Elite, my lights come on. I wish I could use Hass Agent, but there was something in the setup that I just didn’t understand what to do. It was some kind of server to set up. This was the video I tried following.

Oh well…The Harmony remote integration would have been an easy solution. I didn’t realize it was in your process. Enjoy Home Assistant!

No server setup in MPC-HC, just a few settings to update.

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Doesn’t Hass Agent need to be running though? I could never get it to connect for some reason. It would just sit there saying “connecting”.


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Yeah, I could never get all the green “running” for some reason. Does Hass Agent need to be installed on the PC that is running HA, or can it be on any PC that’s on the same network as the HA PC?

I have the Hass.Agent running on a PC that is on the same network. The HA device is separate.

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Did you install Hass Agent and just hit Connect, or did you have to change some settings?