Latest Supervisor wont start

This is likely caused by running cgroup v2 on your system. You could try switching to cgroup v1 by adjusting your Linux kernel parameters.

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armbian isn’t supported or tested either, only Debian.

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any idea how we do this?

I have a sector by sector backup from my ssd with the 2022.3.5 version. I replaced it and it still says the same thing. I didn’t update anything on the backup ssd, it was working fine before. Now both has the same problem. ubuntu/docker

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to pester. But if you are asking how to handle kernel parameters, than you might want to consider running a different installation method.

Home Assistant Supervised is aimed at an audience that has experience with Linux administration at an advanced level (which is also warned for in the requirements and part of our ADRs).

I would recommend looking into running a different installation method in such cases, that makes your life easier and prevent these kinds of issues.

Ya thats a fair point…

I guess since I have run it on this for 2 years, I was happy to stay the course.

Right now is just getting the house automation back up and running so I have the time to work on it

Hi Guys, managed to get this running again by updating my Docker to version 20.10.17

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do you happen to have the guide or commands? I am searching but I am eager to get it done quick and run a full backup

Thanks mate
this worked for me

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y

I guess it depends how it was installed, but I followed these instructions:

Sorry didn’t mean to be rude before but realized my response was rather curt. I work on supervisor so was trying to figure out what all happened with the flood of issues. A user in discord just said updating docker fixed it but looks like you already got there :+1:

Just a heads up though, I wasn’t kidding before when I said there are a lot of differences between ubuntu and debian and zero testing is done on ubuntu prior to release. It may not look like it on the surface but there are. If you continue running HA supervised on Ubuntu it is very likely you will end up in this situation again. Hopefully it will be more of a missing feature then a catastrophic start-up failure but its risky territory.

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Yep, this fixed it for me too, thanks.

@konradwalsh or @wab how to start all dockers after update?

no worries… I was thinking… r/wowthanksimcured :grinning:

I will switch to HASS OS after this incident. But just need to get the house functioning first and makes some notes

reboot host

I confirm docker updqte: did it in in my case from WEBMIN dash

eh… still have no dockers after docker ps weird. Any idea how to solve it?

My environment died at 4AM this morning. Fought it all morning until I found this thread. Updating docker to 20.10.17 fixed it. Thanks!

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Agreed and fully understand. I have been meaning to install Debian but just never had the time. There are lots of stuff I would need to transfer. I guess with incidents like this it starts making sense to invest the time and redo my installation with Debian.

does any know how to run all containers? is it any magic script for that? Looks like all died after updating the docker version. The reboot didn’t help.