Latest Supervisor wont start

I’ve managed to get mine back up. I was running docker 19 (confirmed by docker -v) and ubuntu 20. Same error as above.

I had to add the docker repo rather than using the os repo. I followed these instructions: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Documentation

I then confirmed by docker -v that I was running version 20. Rebooted the server and all came online!

Now I need a drink :slight_smile:


It helped me. Thank you!

Yeah second this, i was on docker version 19.03.12 and after updating to version 20.10.17 sorted me out.

But just as a side note initially running the update command dit not update my docker engine, was saying im up to date, so follow this here: Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Documentation to refresh the repo keys for docker.

NOTE: I did not follow the first few steps to remove docker ect. i just started at “Set up the repository”

Thanks… this worked.

After that I needed to restart “CORE” ( Supervisor >> Core >> Restart Core) to get switches working. Now I can sleep :slight_smile:

My supervisor also died this morning after I did a configuration adjustment and had to restart HA. I run HA supervised on a Debian 10 VM on Proxmox because I use a multihomed network and need the MQTT server accessible on other VLANs (there is probably a new / better solution, but I’ve been running this setup for several years now and I am reluctant to change it). Rebooting the VM did not help, supervisor kept restarting every 5 seconds with “CGroup” error.

Upgrading docker to 20.10.17 solved it (was on 19.03.8 previously, did apt update / upgrade, but had to manually upgrade the docker-ce package that “had been kept back”).

I looks like I was running supervisor version “supervisor-2022.06.dev3004” somehow - I usually turn all automatic updates off exactly because of situations like this, but I suppose the supervisor uses an independent setting; now it is asking me to update to version “supervisor-2022.06.2”. Did a development version of the supervisor accidentally reach the production channel?

looks like during my docker upgrade something happened because the docker has been updated but after reboot, there are no dockers. As I checked all containers exist with images… but the question is how to start all dockers? Is it any script for that?

Reboot host

@konradwalsh I tried 3 times.

No. The version history for stable channel can be found here if you want to check: History for stable.json - home-assistant/version · GitHub

Maybe you used latest at some point?

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@dmarczydlo I know very little about docker, but I guess you can try docker start hassio_supervisor

Ah, I think when trying to debug / solve the problem I did a docker pull hassio_supervisor.

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to start all docker containers, use the command:

docker restart $(docker ps -a -q)

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Unfortunately restarting the host does not always work to restart all docker containers.
and no pre-existing scripts that i know of.

But if you want you can try this on a linux machine:
for x in $(docker ps -a |grep -e 'homeassistant\|home-assistant' |awk '{print $1}'); do docker start $x; done

NOTE: still will start almost all containers related to HA Core/Supervisor and addons
and there is nothing dangerous in the command above.

Thank you. My case was a bit different. I had a custom docker configuration. The root dir was changed in past. After the upgrade, the new version wanted to be based on the default one. That was an issue.
I updated the configuration again and the for x in $(docker ps -a |grep -e 'homeassistant\|home-assistant' |awk '{print $1}'); do docker start $x; done runned all dockers :slight_smile: ah… night has been saved.


I am having a similar issue as above, using Home Assistant Operating System on a raspberry pi 3. I cannot update the docker version since the entire / directory is readonly. What is the process for updating docker, or getting the supervisor to run again (I tried manually pulling, and triggering the /usr/sbin/hassos-supervisor to no avail).

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What version of Home Assistant OS are you running on?

Version 5.12 (Raspberry Pi 3)

… joy… I knew these automatic supervisor updates would come to bite me in the rear… Off to try and fix it

Another one affected with raspbian :(. Trying to update docker to 20.10.17, but seems that Raspbian buster does not support is 19.03.13 :dizzy_face:

Fixed. Rasbpian buster test distribution contains 20.10.17. Just updated the sources, upgraded docker and rebooted. All working fine.