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The compose file builds it based on the dockerfile in ./jupyterlab/docker

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Just worked that out as well and updated my post.
I use unRAID, need to see if I can do that there …

I’ve been tracking most of the energy consumption in my home for the past 3 months or so. Also have outdoor and room-by-room temperatures to parallel that data, so this sounds really interesting to me. Looks like tomorrow morning will be a perfect time to spin up JupyterLab in Docker and see what kind of interesting patterns might be useful to future automations!


Where do you configure or set these settings?

`I’m an happy Hassio user and I’m excited by the idea to do some deep analytics (not only monitoring by Grafana) on my HA data. Unfortunately, from yesterday, I’ trying to install the add-on but I’m continuing to take the following error:

ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t install hassioaddons/jupyterlablite:0.1.0 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found (“no such image: hassioaddons/jupyterlablite:0.1.0: No such image: hassioaddons/jupyterlablite:0.1.0”).

I’m using Pine64 with Dietpi OS. HA 0.84.6 and Hassio supervisor is 141.

I really appreciate your help to fix the problem. Thank you very much in advance

I tried to pull manually the image with the command:

  • docker pull hassioaddons/jupyterlablite:0.1.0

and I obtain the following message:

  • no matching manifest for unknown in the manifest list entries`

I kindly ask you a little help to fix my problem.
Thank you in advance

I threw together a Dockerfile that is auto building to for those that want to take advantage of it.

I have this running on unRAID in Bridge mode and map







screenshot of the Docker setup:

then in the Jupyter Notebooks I use:

from detective.core import db_from_hass_config
db = db_from_hass_config("/hass-config")

to detect the database I’m using (separate mariadb container)

On first run, you need to view the logs to get the token that is generated to log in and create a password.


Any chance you got a !include_dir_named is not supported workaround?

Hi @bachya, thank you very much for your efforts!
Unfortunately I get the following message every time I try to pull your Docker Image:
ERROR: pull access denied for bachya/jupyterlab, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
However, I have already entered my correct Docker Hub login data via 'docker login'.

The compose file builds it based on the dockerfile in ./jupyterlab/docker

for a premade one, see this post further up.

rpi of armhf compatible images ?

My 2 cents on the topic.

A lot of people seem to be getting confused between Hassio and HassOS.
HassOS is a premade image of an OS with the bare necessities to run hassio supervisor and HA docker container…

Hassio itself, the homeassistant environment running via docker containers, in my opinion is definitely the way forward for homeassistant, and is fully justifiable as being the recommended installation method.

At work, docker and containerisation in general is something i’ve been working on implementing at various levels.
The simplicity of migrating to better hardware, to replicate instances, or add in load balancing, is phenominal.
In general, that is the way that enterprise IT is going as a whole, and should be what developers try and steer their mindset towards on any projects starting these days.

Yes, if you’re developing new components and such then it can be beneficial to test on bare metal machines. Or, if you’ve a very specific setup that can’t run in containers then fine, do it that way. But to have the gall to comment on an announcement that was intended to make things easier for people who are running the recommended install method, complaining that you haven’t got written instructions for your very specific setup, I frankly find that atrocious behaviour.
If you’re competent enough to go vanilla, google and set it up yourself. It’s less an integration, so shouldn’t be something HA developers should be holding your hand through.
Better yet, write a script to install and set it up, and submit a PR!

A lot of people just need to spend some time learning what docker is, rethink why you have your setup the way it is, and check out the pro’s and cons of staying bare metal.

It’s about to turn 2019. Get with the times and move forward.


At the beginning of this thread, when @ReneTode said:

i think its a very bad sign if there are things created for home assistant that are not usable for not hassio users

people jumped in to say that he was overreacting. In contrast, 90% of your post serves to confirm his concerns.

If Home Assistant’s core developers are on the same page as you, then Paulus ought to issue a statement to that effect, namely is the way of the future for Home Assistant. This would help minimize needlessly contentious threads like this one (which borders on a ‘religious war’ between factions).

  • If it’s official policy then users will understand their choice of installation method is now being relegated to the dustbin of history. We shed a collective tear (/s) and move on to
  • If it’s not official policy, then there’s no reason for users to be pilloried for voicing their concerns (or displeasure).

… to have the gall to comment on an announcement … complaining that you haven’t got written instructions for your very specific setup, I frankly find that atrocious behaviour.

The so-called ‘very specific setup’, happens to be the way everyone installed Home Assistant for many years. is a recent development (and a welcome one) so to refer to the traditional way of installation as being a ‘very specific setup’ is disingenuous.

I recall a podcast, from several versions ago, where Paulus commented on the installation statistics being collected. There was almost an even split between and users, so it’s hardly ‘a very specific setup’.

If you’re competent enough to go vanilla, google and set it up yourself. It’s less an integration, so shouldn’t be something HA developers should be holding your hand through.

The implication here is that by following the well-documented alternative instructions for installing Home Assistant, one is now deemed sufficiently competent to no longer require any further assistance for anything else. That’s unrealistic.

Getting past the low-bar of ‘alternate installation’ is no guarantee one can handle all future situations with merely “google and set it up yourself”. The proof is in the fact this forum is full of posts made by users asking for help on a variety of subjects.


Not to mention the HUGE number of users who come on here asking questions how to do a lot of mundane things because they’ve literally never had to figure ANYTHING out in HA themselves. I’d venture to say that most (if not the large majority) of the questions are answered by the people who either currently don’t use or those who used to not use but have decided to make the switch.

And, relatedly, to reply to the person above who stated that it’s only .0001% of users complaining so the devs can just ignore them - Have you actually looked at the threads on the forum where that “.0001%” contributes a HUGE amount of knowledge. I’m on this forum a lot and I constantly see the same names here, “complaining” as you say, helping a huge number of people who don’t have a CLUE how to fix something when it doesn’t go EXACTLY as the instructions say or who want to create some special template to do a specific uncommon task. That knowledge comes from having to slog thru the old stuff and figuring it out with a big dose of “prior knowledge” from other people who also had been around even longer. It’s not like, as we all know too well, that the documentation is a vast fountain of information.

I personally believe that it more takes gall to say that than point out a concerning path that seemed to be implied by a poorly thought out announcement.


I should probably apologise for the post before. Ranting without rereading back through, and being a bit too harsh.

But, in hindsight, HA should probably get to a point where a decision is made as to what the “official install method” should be, and announce it as so if it is


Hi @kylerw,

thank you very much for your preconfigured container.
But every time I try to create it I get this in the container logs and the container won’t start:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/home/jovyan/.local’,
Container must be run with group “users” to update files,
I also tried to gave recursive 0777 rights to the /home/jovyan folder, but won’t work.

I have to argue that nobody has my same problem. Sorry for my repeated request, but I’ll really appreciated who has some good ideas to overcome (or better understand( my problem.
Thank you again

Pls, tell me if I’ wrong to ask my question inside this thread.


I, as others, am curious about the relation/comparison with influxdb+grafana, specially for long term data support. I am interested in keeping a log and analyse power and heating usage for last years. I can see the potencial of using directly python analysis tools instead of grafana for this. However, I don’t know how to store all the data. As far as I know local .db default is to keep data for 10 days. What would be the recommended course of action to use this over long term periods?

  • Just increase the default 10 days to years (huge db problem?)?
  • Switch from local db to postgresql or mysql?
  • Keep backups of local db and manually merge the needed data later?
  • Keep influxdb and somehow make this data tool talk directly to influxdb (if it makes sense)?


mapping your docker volume to gets around the permissions to starting the docker instance. However it still has permission issues inside workspace using below:


Running HomeAssistant in a docker container does not necessarily mean running I run HomeAssistant in a docker container. I do not run

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Thank you so much for your advice.
But I think I will try to realize some of the notebooks from @robmarkcole with Apache Zeppelin and Docker.
I use that myself partly at work, so I know it better and it seems to be a bit more accessible to me from the maintenance and handling side.

Of course it is not as versatile and powerful as jupyter (atm).