LcdProc support

it would be very nice to see notifications, movie titles, play time … in my lcd display.

It uses a simple text based protocol

Curious. What kind of devices use LCDproc?

LCD displays on linux are avaible as commercial solutions like [1] or [2] or even integrated into some HTPC cases. But perhaps where lcd shines is in DIY projects, my use case is a very cheap i2c port expander connected to my raspberry so I can see the song currently played by mpd, song/movie position, display a menu controlled by my infrared remote (I know that smartphones can be used as controllers but remotes are cheap, they have long duratión batteries mine lasts +1 year and they are very simple), wheater information, display for my alarm clock (note that you can control the backlight with lcdproc) and any other function that requires a visual output.


Would be nice having indeed a component for this as i am planning to install several LCDs in my server rack self made of course :slight_smile:

Same here, since my install will be rackmounted, I’d like to have some visual info on an integrated LCD screen, maybe, the nmber of persons home, date/time, the state of a particular entity or even some MQTT information.

I would also love this feature, local info on the status of a running Hassio would be super.

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If anyone is still interested in a LCDproc client for Home Assistant I just built one in the last couple of days. No menuevent/key support yet, network stats are not finished, BUT it can pull sensors from HA and display them on the LCD screen as well as HA cpu usage, memory usage, uptime/version/kernel info, and disk usage. Working on added more in the next few days.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Cheers!