LD2410 esphome tips

I seem to only obtain detection when the engineering mode is enabled. Any ideas why?

Using a Wemos D1 mini

if it’s not because of your sensitivity treshold - try just “factory reset” sensor

Hi all - this thread has been very useful. I have 4 LD2410-Cs - and tested them - great tech!

Just a few beginner questions. I am looking at using these in conjunction with ESPresense so if the LD2410 picks up motion and recognises my daughter’s Apple Watch then HA will trigger LiFX lights (based on her lighting preference).

A few questions:

  1. I have seen Bluetooth on the LD2410 has been historically unreliable (albeit better now?). Is this the case. If Bluetooth is more reliable now is there any reason I can’t just run the LD2410 without connecting it to an ESP device? How would I see this in HA?

I understand many people prefer wifi but I’ll have Bluetooth access through ESPresense (which I can plug in separately). Other option is to connect the OUT pin of the LD2410 to the ESPresense kit (using a WRover)- I tried this but had no luck getting it working.

  1. I can plug this in to a regular Aus plug in the ceiling cavity (since we have down lights). I haven’t tested this yet but hoping it works ok - I can connect via usb so no issues there but would the heat of the unit cause any fire issues either with or without an ESP unit connected to the LD2410?

These are quite unsightly so having it hidden behind the ceiling ticks the ‘wife box’! Also having the LD2410 standalone would give me more comfort on this front (if it is possible).

  1. If I do connect the LD2410 to ESP - what is the best kit to connect it to? Seems to be positive feedback for the Wemos D1 mini?

I don’t know if this is a good place to post this question, still figuring things out. I was able to create my own multi-sensor with light/temperature/humidity/presence (this one using LD2410C). I’ve done the setup on ESPHome and things are working as expected (pending calibration), what brings me to my question. I noticed that with the default configuration for the LD2410 on ESPHome I can only set the max_move_distance_gate and max_still_distance_gate as integers corresponding to meters. Is there a way to set that as fractions (floats) such as 2.5 meters or set that in centimeters (e.g: 250cm)?

It’s not meters. The sensor works using ‘gates’ where the gate distance is configurable (distance resolution setting). The default is .75m per gate (x8 gates to get 6m range). When you change the values you mentioned, you’re selecting which gates are the cutoff.

Stopped my choice on lolin_s2_mini for now (but it’s without BT)
esp8266 Wemos D1 mini also working solution, but, i think because of hight data bitrate from sensor - they are hard to OTA update (sometimes 4-5 times till success)

Thanks - I will take a closer look at the lolin_s2 (I won’t need Bluetooth if I connect the LD2410 to and ESP board). A lot of these dev kits (including the lolin) do not appear to have 5v output, so does that mean you are powering the LD2410 separately?

You are wrong ) lolin_s2_mini VBUS = 5v
If you power it with usb-c - the VBUS pin would have 5V out for ld2410 just as needed

I have lolin mini like boards and I am using vcc (vbus) to power 2 radars at the same time, works perfectly.

And it can be used as power source (by screw terminal) or share power with radars when it is connected to usb

Hi, just wondering if i have ld2410 installed on the ceiling fan base. Would this trigger the sensor once it starts spinning?

Most likely. The RF lobe of the radar does extend behind the sensor a bit.

Thanks, yeah that looks like it, getting 60 cm moving distance with the fan on
Btw, using the default LD2410 configuration from esphome webpage
Can I actually set a minimum distance detection before it’s considered as presence?
I’ve been using LD2450 where I can configure those settings, so I’m not sure if there anything similar to it with LD2410

I don’t believe there’s a way to do a minimum setting. Just maximum.

Anyone figured out how to dynamically set the sensor using this? Up to this point, I’ve been manually doing a find/replace in the raw config to update all the entities. It would be nice to be able to use something like a text helper to set the base entity name and let to chart us it for the entities.

You can set the first gate (0.75m or 0.2m depending on config) to 110 energy to make triggering more difficult, but afaik you can’t outright disable it.

No reason? How about other sensors? Climate sensors, a light that turns on with motion after sunset, an IR or RF transmitter to control devices in that room, maybe you need a relay for something. Does it make sense to tie up an AC outlet for just a motion sensor when you can add tons of sensors or whatever to the same esp and your ld2410 sensor… if you couldnt think lf a reason, you may need to see your Dr and get a check over.

Storm Isha here in the UK is triggering the LD21410s in the rooms that have line of sight to my windows! They are triggering at higher still levels than person sitting still!

House is lighting up like a disco, well three rooms are!


That’s nothing me strugling with cats triggering my lights compared with your case )

Trying to catch the problem with my ld2410 on esp32s2.
Using the ESPhome native component.
Had few times of “no presence” while seeng the “still gate energy” is over than threshold setup, so the presence sensor in HA should be “Detected”…
Any ideas and debugging proposals would be welcomed.

btw who uses native esphome component vs external custom pro/cons for esp load?

I noticed there would be false negatives sometimes for a duration of 8 seconds on my setup. And some times, due to calibration inadequacies, false positives too.

To mitigate this, I put a delay on the still sensor for turning on and off.

      name: "mmWave: Still Target"
        - delayed_on: 15s
        - delayed_off: 15s

Not sure if this will help, but just throwing out here.
This will slow the response of the sensor, but make it more resilient to false positives and negatives.