LD2410 esphome tips

As @00lex mentioned.
I had some free space in the hosing for an additional light sensor (which, btw. costs only $0.80), so I decided to use it, requiring a high sampling frequency while ensuring stable device operation. Of course, using an additional sensor is optional, and you can utilize the built-in one.

As for the range, I know this is not an ideal wires configuration, but I focused on a small housing size, so the wires are close to the antenna. There is enough space in the housing to route the wires without covering the antenna as much as it is shown in the video. This way, interference might not be as significant, although I haven’t experienced any range issues with this device.

I hope the housing will be useful for someone :slight_smile:

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Case will definitely come handy, sure. One extension to it though would be to add IR sensor (that cheap one from aliexpress) into enclosure. Sometimes using only LD can trigger unwanted turn-on, so combined would result in less false triggers. but perhaps it would even fit into this enclosure (that small one)…

I didn’t notice this topic before.
So FYI I integrated multiple ld2450 as home positioniong system, still working on it, but idea and some gotchas are described in my thread.


Just wanted to share my experience with a LD2410C with a wemos d1 mini (esp8266 based), I was getting ‘unknown’ values no matter what config I used, I tried 3 different sensors and 3 different wemos boards, changed jumper cables, tried to power the sensor separately from the board, nothing worked. The sensor however worked fine when connected to the app via bluetooth

Then I tried to enable UART logs in esphome and got some garbled data followed by zeroes only. So that led me to think it was a baud rate issue. What I did was

  • install HLKRadarTool app, connect to the sensor using bluetooth
  • in the top right select more > parameters settings
  • change the baud rate to 115200
  • the sensor will reboot.
  • after rebooting, go back to ths ettings, and put it back to 256000
  • reboot again

After this, the data connection between the wemos and the sensor was fixed and I started seeing correct values on HA


I also want to use two or even more LD2410 presence sensors independently on an ESP32 module.
Did you manage to solve it?
I think it has to be solved somehow with the id.
Can you share the esphome code?

I would like use 2pcs or more LD2410 sensors but I would like the sensors operate separately.
How to connect 2pcs or more LD2410 on ESP32 and how to modify ESPHome code?
Can you share this code?

LD2410 + LD2450 joined together and it seems it is now perfect sensor :grin:

Don’t you get interference like that?

seems that everything is working correctly, but I am doing tests right now.

Edit: yes the inference exists but it seems that it affects mostly 2410, however it can be still used as static object detector, so in tandem with ld2450 it solved issue of static objects and I think it is enough in this case, especially when we are using this sensors for indoor positioning system

have the same mqtt boot loop issue, can’t figure out how to expose data to mqtt broker so…

I just turned off MQTT, I dont see the need for it?

Is there a way to lower the cooldown for occupancy?

If you use native ESPhome integration there is Timeout setting supported, or via Bluetooth.
But you must be sure it’s not the false positive presence because of low threshold

Thanks for that, I found it in the doco, but it doesn’t really seem to work. Timeout for occupancy is till something like a minute.

Its just one of those things I guess.

Thanks again

definitly smth. wrong, because i got ~5 sec when set 5 sec and so on.
Maybe you should check the gates / presence treshold

It definitely works, but, either way, you can connect to the module with Bluetooth and the HLKRadar app, enable engineering mode, and watch what the sensor thinks it is seeing. You can also verify what the timeout is set to that way. Another options is to use a different config from what you posted above. This one will give you way more functionality in HA and let you set up dashboards to monitor the sensor data.

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It seems based on Screek code partly, but i cant understand why do they minify CPU friquency to 80Mhz…

If I recall correctly, I tested removing it and had issues with it crashing.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the input.

When I say it doesn’t work, I mean to say that it still takes upto some 90s to go from Occupied to Clear. Even if I set the time out to something like 2s.

Ill have a play with the config you gave and see how I go.


That’s definitely indicative of needing to tweak the sensitive settings. I’d wager you’ll find one of the ‘gates’ are picking up something that’s keeping them triggered

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