OK nothing changed …will add your stuff…just wondering if and how to send custom text
There are basically 2 ways to send custom text, either the web i/f or the serial i/f. I didn’t add the custom msg to the HA side of things but I think if you can get the custom msg into HA you could send it via MQTT. I’ll have to look at the code tho’ to see what what would need changing.
would be nice I will for the meanwhile check your stuff for hass and send some feedback. I need some text i can change from time to time … wanna have something like a to do list for our boy
think about to rename your inpu_slider to inputnumber in your example… like this people can reproduce it better
Thanks good catch, the code was written before that change :P, I’ll update it. I’m having some problems with the news feed atm I think Sky has changed how they output it as it’s causing my ESP to go into watchdog failure
Shit…no good news… Mine still works so far.will test the integration added all stuff. Think about to also change the templates to sensor. Input_number.xxxx
I’ve just changed mine to use the mqtt switches rather than the input_bools in the group settings. Still having very little luck finding a solution for the rss feeds, what I think is happening is that the http read function is causing the wtd to timeout as the feeds are too big
@keithh666 great project thanks for sharing.
What are the power requirements for the led? And how have you powered the wemos mini? Can you share a picture of how your leds look if they are mounted on a wall?are the wires dangling out?
I’m using a NodeMCU atm as I had to use my Wemos’s for other projects, but it’s not much bigger
See here for power requirements…
I have mine set at the lowest brightness as they are very visible at 0 brightness, I have never had a problem with power even when powering from my PC usb which I think is only 500mA and it’s powering both the NodeMCU and the leds. I don’t think you could power them for very long on a battery so there would be a power cable dangling, tho’ depending on where it is and the colour of the lead/wall you could disguise it a bit I plan to have mine on a desk so the cable can go down the back There are Blue ones now and some rgb ones as well
Rgb sounds nice. But I still didn’t really figure out how to program the text. Wanna have custom text everywhere and not only at position 9
It would be quite a lot of coding to do that, as the web page would need a significant overhaul as well as all of the code, I’ll have a look into it but it’s not trival to change my code, so I’ll look at making something else, However I’m away for a week starting Monday so not much will get done for at least a week
Well.then nice trip and maybe we will see later.the other 8 work fine. Tried with my Temp and humidity sensors… Nice nice nice
I still don’t understand why when you go to the webpage and send the text it doesn’t show up?
I’m sorry did not mention that this works… Works great. So basically I can use what ever I want for position 1-9.?
Ah OK so it does work correctly :), Not currently no, only for position 9, the others are reserved for temp/humidity/etc/etc.
but i can publish my OWN stuff there i mean
That’s what it’s for, any msg you what to display with a limit of 128 characters can be sent to the device via the website
I mean … the humidity “position” i use MY sensors to pupblish to xxxx/humidyty… etc
That would work providing it was to the correct topic and in the correct format. or you change the code to reflect your topics/format
Looks cool - i have the kit and am interesting in developing this but your onedrive link has expired, any chance of posting the code/files again please?