Legacy Nest

I’m confused now… What I know you can’t use 2 intergrations. Because old one works only.with “works with best” accounts and the new one works only with accounts that are migrated to Google…
So I stay with HA version that supports old intergration because then I have my NEST thermostat and protects

I would certainly help test it.

I’m wondering if my issues trying the SDM version were due to the fact that I still use the old Nest login poudenes describes from my phone. I think we will be forced down this route as it looks like google will be dropping the old API at some point even if HA didn’t. I find it funny that the feature that got me started in all this is now going away. I needed a way to control an ornamental fireplace that is supplemental heat in the basement wirelessly. I have ‘dummy’ Nest thermostat just powered and use its hvac_state to manipulate esphome relays. It took some time to arrive at this 5 years ago and of course I have added 50+ other smarts since.

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My impression is that using a nest account doesn’t work, yes., I have no real idea though since I’ve never had one, and was never allowed to use works with nest API.

Thanks, where would one find the code that uses the old API if one wanted to create a custom component? I’m stepping into uncharted territory here.

The only problem is, if you have to authorize the app again, you won’t be able to cause the nest website gives you an error. I am not sure you can retrive the authorization somehow.
I ended using a homebridge docker + nest plugin with my old nest account and I am able to control my thermostat from HA with my legacy account: The Best Nest ↔ Home Assistant Integration via HomeBridge // Better than the "Official" - YouTube (actually you don’t really need portainer, you can use the homebridge docker directly if you want to)

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I have been playing with this today. Looks promising. Haven’t integrated it into home assistant yet, just playing with the homebridge container/ui. I can’t figure out if this actually uses the legacy nest developer account or not. I followed the instructions to use the dev account but only logged into my nest account.

Also, has anyone figured out how to get the nest hello stream into home assistant. I enabled a nest cam plugin on the homebridge container but can’t see a camera under the accessories.

It doesn’t use the legacy nest developer account (like HA does), it just uses the old nest account (not developer, just the old nest app using the web version). I cannot help for the nest cam, I don’t use it.

Thanks. That makes sense. I really wish someone would take the legacy nest integration and turn it into a custom_component. I really haven’t found anything that compares to the legacy integration.

as I said, unless you can somehow retrieve the authorization, you will not be able to use a nest DEVELOP account anymore with a legacy custom_component (btw, you could easily do it downloading the last legacy only integration from the HA archive and paste it in a sub directory inside the custom_componet directory. I do it with the old fritzbox integration). The nest develop authorization system is gone for good. Using the nest account with the homebridge docker is actually a good solution because you don’t rely on the nest api (working if you have a valid authorization), but you use the nest account, so you don’t need to migrate to the google account.

This sounds interesting. Can you possible explain in more detail how to do this?

I am interested in this as well but have not been able to determine how. I’m still using the Works with Nest integration as it includes Protects.

read here: New AVM Fritz!box Tools problems - #153 by Flop2006

It is for an another integration, but you get the idea how it work.

Thanks, I got here.

I need to determine how to actually download those files and make a manifest now I think. Perhaps the manifest from up one level will work after I rename to Legacy_Nest everywhere. My github skills are showing…lol.

I would suggest starting here as it doesn’t have the deprecation warning.

Also, I use notepad++ but any editor with access to your config folder will work. I just copy and paste the files in their proper places with the correct file names.

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Don’t suppose anyone has gotten a working custom component with the hass GitHub files yet? I took a stab at it and didn’t get too far. I imagine on some level, the stuff related to the new integration would need to be removed.

I followed the guide here and now use Homebridge on my Pi4 running HAOS. It does not use their API but I now have access to the hot water settings that I did not have before.

Right. Homebridge is plan B but it doesn’t get all the entities I currently have. Still hoping someone puts together a custom component that is the same as the integration that is getting deprecated

Which devices / entities do you currently miss in the SDM API? I am looking if I can support this in GitHub - iMicknl/ha-nest-protect: Nest Protect integration for Home Assistant. This will allow you to integrate your smoke, heat, co and occupancy status real-time in HA., since this is using the Nest API that the Nest app / webapp use.

Anything that works there could be supported. I am just not sure what the Legacy Nest API did offer in the past and if that has more features.

but I now have access to the hot water settings

how did you manage it? I don’t have the hot water setting