Legrand/Bticino MyHome

grazie @caiosweet ,
ma queste impostazioni li devo mettere in una nuova card oppure nella card del termostato lovace?
Se è da inserire nel termostato lovace , li’ non mi fa scrivere nessuna configurazione.

mi da errore, forse perchè ci sono piu’ sensori, io ho solamente la centrale 4 zone e la sonda h4691 che mi dà la temperatura nella camera delle bimbe

Se sei alle prime esperienze con home assistant, non è il momento giusto per questa card :sweat_smile: vorrei seguirti, ma in questo periodo non posso… cerca hassiohelp su telegram, è un gruppo italiano che può aiutarti a creare qualcosa in poco tempo… :innocent: spiacente.

per favore , dimmi solo un ultima cosa, il codice che mi hai mandato va su una sola card oppure su piu’ card?

È una sola card composta da più cards. Di cui alcune non sono presenti nella versione base, andrebbero installata a parte, magari con HACS. Per il momento, conviene che usi quelle standard. Tipo Climate suppongo. Non ho idea di come funziona la centrale 4 zone. Magari devi usare 4 Climate per ogni zona.

So, I’ve found why the integration fails to load correctly. But it’s unfortunately not really fixable.

Home Assistant now loads platforms and config entries asynchronously at the same time on startup.
However this integration is a bit of a bodge in this regard, it needs to load as a platform to access the yaml config, and it needs to load as a config entry to be able to reload (and historically to create devices and not just entities, but it might not be the case anymore).
But crucially, it needs to have the platform loaded before the config entries, which is not guaranteed anymore in 2022.08.

So the only realistic solution is the one @gabriele.daltoe gave us. In my case I even added a 20s wait before reloading.

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Hey Julien how’s it going? I hope good.
How about creating a new version from the master, even a beta is fine, so it’s easier to update and will not appear the update message anymore? ;0)
In any case, it was an opportunity to do thank you again and know that everything is going well and bring my greetings. :innocent:

I don’t think this is the right way. it is not an addon but an integration.
The correct service is

              - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
                  entity_id: light.luce_bagno # any myhome entity in your system
                  # area_id: 
                  # device_id:
                  # entry_id: c25758ebba2003c3586f9b8d92558fce # or your entry_id in your system

There are 4 ways to reload. The simplest of all, is to use any myhome entity. :innocent:

In fact you are right but I forgot to correct the post!

I’m doing fine I guess :slight_smile: The past few months have been especially brutal for me though :confused:

I’ve just published the current master as 0.8.6 so people can easily upgrade to it, thanks for reminding me.

I really don’t know what to do about this loading issue though, it’s really annoying and I can’t think of a suitable solution :frowning:

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The problem of HA that is a great idea but every time under rebuilding.
They would make easiest the configuration for the user but HA are becoming very big.
I use it from 4 years. In some case I use the oldest version for more stability.
At the beninning a rpi 3b was overperforming, now we need mini pc for run it,

I agree that HA is a somewhat difficult platform to develop for. At least for an amateur like me.
There are breaking changes all the time, things being deprecated every other month, it’s hard to keep track and keep maintaining code that used to work just fine…


Hi everyone!
First of all I would like to thanks Julien for his great work.
I have three myhomeserver1 in my network:
a personal one for my apartment, one dedicated to my brother’s apartment and a shared one for the garage, garden and other common lights.
I have not found a way to configure with only one instance of myhome up application my apartment myhomeserver1 and the garage myhomeserver1.
So it is possible to achive this result with one homeassistance instance (installed on a Raspberry 4) and this beautiful custom integration?
My goal is to build some automations or scenarios that involve items of my apartment and of my garage.


Thanks for the reply,

I am picking up where i left some time a go. I’ve installed myhome integration, but i would like to install the ownd as well, because i need to tinker with it so that the 422 interfaces also work.

Can anybody give directions on how to install OWNd?
WHen i enter the link to Github it says: Repository structure for master is not compliant

Any help on this one?

Hi Julien,

when i use the code form @gabriele.daltoe the integration is not reloading.

when i create a new automation and in the action i use the service
“Home Assistant Supervisor: Write data to add-on stdin.” it asks for an addon
But i am not able to find MyHome as an addon ??
Do i miss something ??

Hi Julien. Since installing the new version 0.8.6 I have noticed that HVAC action does not change state when I turn on the heating. I tried reverting to the old version 0.8.5 and HVAC action was back to working. I also noticed in the new version that when I turned on the heating, in addition to not updating, the HVAC action did not even update the power absorbed in KW of the electricity.
This is the error I found in the logs: Unknown device: WHO = 4 WHERE = 99

HEY!! Thank you so much for the integration!! I was really disappointed from my choice of bticino I hope i would make some interesting things now!

I got a raspberry, an SSD install HA, and after some hours manage to install your integration= super newbie.

I cannot install OWNd (even i am not sure what is it) and i configure the YAML file (i add some lights) but nothing change to my HA (!) do i make something wrong?
This is my YAML file:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
  - platform: myhome
        where: '51'
        name: kouzina_spot
        dimmable: False
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: f411u2
        where: '52'
        name: kouzina main
        dimmable: False
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F411U2
        where: '53'
        name: kouzina krufos
        dimmable: False
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F418

thank you guys for helping!

Hi julien,

I have a make a new HA installation with your integration.
I have this error when HA is reload configuration

2022-10-06 14:43:36.825 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-10-06 14:43:36.826 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration myhome which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-10-06 14:43:41.834 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.maj_f520_port_016] MAJ F520 Port 016: Error executing script. Service not found for call_service at pos 1: Unable to find service myhome.start_sending_instant_power
2022-10-06 14:43:41.837 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.maj_f520_port_017] MAJ F520 Port 017: Error executing script. Service not found for call_service at pos 1: Unable to find service myhome.start_sending_instant_power

Thanks for answer

Hi, I’ve same problem. Have You solved? Tnx.

Yes, I made an action in HA and a routine in Google home