Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hi, the part that is relevant should not be long.
I just need one or two minutes of logs around the time you’re facing the problem.
Alternatively, you can open an issue on github and attach the file to the issue!

Ok Issue created :slight_smile:

Well… the more I look at it, the less it makes sense.
Your logs don’t show much, but surely nothing unusual.
And set temperatures are in 0,5° increments, by design; so I have no idea how your zone 1 ends up with a temperature of 0,4°…
If you look at your climate entities in the developer tools tab in HA, there’s no duplicate or anything like that, right?
You haven’t by any chance configured your zones and later changed their names (the “zone_1” etc… in your case) or their zone number in the yaml file?

No duplcates, and i have not changed any names.
the more than 4 zones is not a problem ?
is some one else using the climate function ?
and the setup underneath is ok ?

# myhome_climate
  - platform: myhome
        zone: "#0"
        heat: False
        cool: False
        standalone: False
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: 3550
        zone: "1"
        name: Garage
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2
        zone: "2"
        name: Slaapkamer 1
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2
        zone: "3"
        name: Badkamer
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2
        zone: "4"
        name: Slaapkamer 2
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2
        zone: "6"
        name: Vide
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/4
        zone: "8"
        name: Slaapkamer 3
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/4
        zone: "9"
        name: Speelkamer
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/4
        zone: "10"
        name: Wc
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/4
        zone: "11"
        name: Inkom
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2
        zone: "12"
        name: Nachthal
        heat: True
        cool: False
        standalone: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F430/2

i have no actuator connected to the central unit zone is that ok ?


Hello all,
I speak english a litle, very bad, but i have interessed.
I start home assistant yet, i explore.
I want integred My Home SCS wih F45t to HA for my installation.
I gratulate you for the job.
Oui je suis intéressé mais je débute avec HA, donc je prends toutes informations pour faciliter cette intégration.
Best regards :grinning:
Meilleures salutations et bonne santé à tous

I see that now you have set all your zones to standalone: True, I don’t think this is how you meant to configure them, right?
Standalone is used in systems where there is no central unit at all.

I need to set them all to standalone:false ?

Yes, that’s the only way if they are controlled by the central unit.


Using F454 gateway works great.
When I replaced it with MyHomeServer1 it stopped working.
The log file shows:

2021-04-14 16:38:34 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] configuration.yaml not supported for this component!
2021-04-14 16:38:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for myhome: Integration failed to initialize.
2021-04-14 16:38:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform myhome.cover: Unable to set up component.
2021-04-14 16:38:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform myhome.light: Unable to set up component.

Can this integration work with MyHomeServer1?
If so, how do I make it work?

Hi, yes MHS1 is supported and works the same way as an F454.
But I admit that replacing a gateway is not something I really had in mind when developing the integration.
Can you give me more details about what you did to replace it?
Does the new one have the same IP as the old one? Same password?

I deleted the F454 from the integration, rebooted, HA detected MHS1, I entered the password and rebooted again.

MHS1 has a DIFFERENT IP address and password.
I looked at the ‘.stotage\core.config_entries’ and the ip and password are correct.
I used the password that is set by the MyHome_Up app (in the more->System page). Is this correct?

Is there a way to totally purge all the integration related items and install again?

I don’t have an MHS1 so I don’t know where the password is set; but it must be right or else the integration would have told you it was wrong.
I suppose the existing devices/entities are still somehow linked to the old gateway… I’m afraid I haven’t really planned a way to purge that :slightly_frowning_face:
I suppose you could manually remove all myhome entries from the device register? (in .storage\core.device_registry) But make sure to have a backup before trying this, because these are not files that are supposed to be messed with…

I removed the entries from that file, but it didn’t help.
Nothing works.
However, the error messages disappeared.
If you don’t have other ideas, I will do a fresh install.

Try also doing the same to the entity_registry.
If that fails, I’m short on other ideas :slightly_frowning_face:

That didn’t help either.
I’ll do a fresh install.

thanks for this plugin!
Module f522 is supported? i can not see data from it.

Hi Julien,

I did a fresh install of HA and added the custom component (GitHub - anotherjulien/MyHOME: MyHOME integration for Home-Assistant) from HACS.

However, the MyHome integration does not show in the Configuration->Integrations page (and devices don’t respond to commands).
There are no errors in the log file.

I tried to remove and re-install the custom component, and also to reboot several times, but nothing helped.

Why can’t see the MyHome integration in the integration page?
Is there another way to install?

Thank you.

@TheSundayDev I’ve replied to your PM, let’s discuss the issue there and we’ll come back here with results :wink:

@yaccri, the fresh install you did was the whole Home Assistant or just the integration?
Can you try to set it to display ignored and disabled integrations in the top right menu of the Configuration>Integrations page?
If you only re-installed the integration, the devices and entities are probably still in the registries, so it can be normal to not see an integration that was previously disabled.

I did a fresh install of Home Assistant.
I changed the settings to display ignored and disabled integrations, but I still don’t see it.

This is my HACS page:

… and this is the integrations page:

MyHome is not showing (:slightly_frowning_face: