Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Ah… :slightly_frowning_face:
You installed the 0.7.4 version of the integration I suppose?

yes, 0.7.4

In the integration page, at the bottom right you can manually add an integration.
Can you find the MyHome integration there? If you add it this way, what does it do/say?

No, it’s not showing

Correction - now it shows but with an error:

However, I can see in a network scanner that the Bticino SPA is on the network

That’s strange!
Can you run python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/discovery.py inside the home-assistant container?

Sorry, how do I do that on a raspberry pi?

You need to connect to it via SSH or use a web terminal (see the “SSH & Web Terminal” plugin in the supervisor)
Then you type docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash; that will get you inside the container
Then type python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/discovery.py.

Once you get a result, you can get out of the container by pressing Ctrl-D

I use ssh, but that command doesn’t work for me.

Can you try sudo su - before that command?

sudo does not work, and with su I get the same error (command not found)

Maybe it’s because the OS is hassos (:thinking:

I’m running the same version of Home Assistant OS than you, but it works for me…
Did you use the “SSH & Web terminal” plugin? What username did you configure in its options?

I use

with the root as username

Maybe this one does not correctly populate the path…
Does the command /usr/local/bin/docker exists/works?

No, it throws a ‘No such file or derectory’ message

I went and found the documentation of the plugin you used. It says

This add-on will not enable you to install packages or do anything as root. This is not working with Home Assistant.

So it will not work here.

Oh, I didn’t realize that there are 2 SSH plugins.
I installed that plugin and finally could execute the commands.

The discovery command does not display anything.

Is your RPi in the same network as your MHS1?
Because here it seems that it cannot be discovered!

The RPi is connected by Wifi to the same network that the MHS1 is connected to (by calble).
I’ll connect the RPi by cable and report again.

It’s possible that your router either isolates devices, or more probably does not send the multicast packets received on the wired connection through to the wireless one