Legrand/Bticino MyHome

OK, I’ve re-published version 0.7.7, if you re-install it, it should install the newer version of OWNd (0.7.27) that fixes the issue.

good. now it works.
Many thanks
I’m going to configure my shutters

do you think that it would be possible to configure your component together with a time based cover component, such as GitHub - nagyrobi/home-assistant-custom-components-cover-rf-time-based: Time-based cover with customisable scripts to trigger opening, stopping and closing. Position is calculated based on the fraction of time spent by the cover travelling up or down. State can be updated with information based on external sensors. in order to consider to manage the cover position by time evaluation (since my cover actuator does not provide feedback about cover position)?

I don’t see any reason for it not to work!
Creating scripts that trigger a cover to go up/down or stop should be straightforward.
In any case, my integration presents covers as a standard cover entity, so if it works with covers in general, it should work here.

Hi Julien,
i have strange behavior in lovelace.
lights switched off in the Bticino App stays on in lovelace.
if i turn the light off in lovelace afther 2 seconds it switches back on in lovelace even when the light is off ??

Hi Dirk, have you tried reloading the integration or restarting Home Assistant?
(It sounds like the integration listening process crashed from what you describe)

restarting is not helping,
reloading do you mean reinstall a snapshot ? i also did that but the problem is returning.

No, in the integrations page, if you click the “three dots” menu for the integration, you get an option to reload.
But if you restarted and it didn’t help, this will not help either.

Would you be able to restart the gateway itself? (Mine is connected to a separate power breaker so it’s easy enough, but it might not be the case for you)
After the gateway is restarted, you will need to either reload the integration or restart HA.

No problem i restart the gateway this evening.

Hello @anotherjulien I did today the update of the integration. Now for all lights my “ID” are based on the name and not the ID I definded.

        where: '98'
        name: Grenier
        dimmable: false

For exemple, this light is light.grenier instead of light.2eme_grenier in the old version

How a can I solve this problem ?

Thanks a lot

hi @anotherjulien thanks a lot for your work! any chance you might consider to implement support for the legrand/bticino IR 3456 ?


@mougeat, I did not change anything with regards to device id/name, which old version were you running?

@stepir, I can try to have a look, what kind of OpenWebNet messages does it support?

Thank you.

I was running version from 16.10.2021 with OWNd==0.6.19

Did you also perform an update for Home Assistant? The same kind of version leap?
It might have been a change in default behavior in Home Assistant generally

Yes, I performed a generaly update.

Do you know which version of HA you were running before?


i Restarted the gateway and HA but same problem.
light switching on in lovelace even it is physically off, and when I turn it off again in lovelace it comes up again after a few seconds ?

That is strange… Usually these problems are resolved by a restart…
Is there any logs that would help me see what’s going on?

nothing in the log

in the developer Tools i see that entities are created more than once"s

How the hell did that happen??
Is there multiple gateways configured?