Legrand/Bticino MyHome

No only 1 gateway.

I deinstalled the Myhome integration and disabled automatically adding devices, now I have the wright amount of entities.

Hopefully this is the solution ?

I hope so!
Do your entities work properly now?

Looks ok now…:slight_smile:
automatically adding devices is maybe not a good idee ??

Thanks I don’t think I have it seen documented but I can try sniff it and report!

hey @anotherjulien I did some testing and this is the frame structure being sent:

01*21## in example is
1 is the command configured in the IR
21 is the address of the IR (2.1 in my case)

I have 6 commands configured and assigned by learning the original IR remote.

OK, so they are used as simple scenario modules, with no status feedback.
There does not seem to be any entity in HA that could be used to simply trigger commands like that.
I think in your case the easiest way will be to use the send_message service to send the appropriate frames and call that service in a automation or something.

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I’m not sure I really have an opinion on the automatic device adding; but since it is a functionality that is at HA level and not at integration level, I’m not sure I could do something about it either way.

@anotherjulien i have tested the whole system for a few months and I must say that after the collaboration of @anotherjulien everything works:

  • test about 45 ligth with dimmer and no - > work

  • test 5 IR sensor (update make together) → work

  • test 10 shutters - > work

  • test 4 zone thermost - > work

  • test 8 open/close sensor - > work

  • test 4 energy power - > !!! Is work only if i open energy web page webserver btcino when i close after minute stop measure

sound diffusion
water measure

TKS a lot @anotherjulien

in this day a add some photo all test with automation

Hello, I setup the integrations, and actions work ok, but the monitor stops working after some time, and I have to restart home assistant to get it working again. Anyone experienced this also?

Check if u lose connection with gateway or I resolve disable tasmota integration and upnp router

The integration should reconnect if for some reason the connection is lost

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@Achille_Sano I’m glad it works well for you!

This is unfortunately expected, as the energy sensor do not send their values continuously by default.
There is a workaround detailed in the “Services>Power sensor services” section of the documentation!

Is there any chance to integrate 4200 family of alarm in your project?

I’m not sure which system the 4200 is, but the short answer is no. :confused:
The old (OpenWebNet compatible) system is almost useless because it is read only and does not allow getting the status of sensors directly.
The new system is not compatible with OpenWebNet, so it’s out of scope for this integration.

4200 is the new BTicino alarm.
It don’t use Scs. Sdomotica implemented it


Is it possible to use that integration to interface with existing MyHome system without access at existing MyHome controler ? I’m in a building where all electrical commands and heating system are handled by MyHome system but I can’t find a controler in my flat so I guess it’s one for the whole building. Can I still interface with it by plugging a gateway on the bus ? or I need access at main controler which won’t be possible in a shared building !



Hi, I’m not sure what you mean by controller? There isn’t any controller as such in a MyHome system (maybe you mean a central unit for heating?)
In such residential settings, the most probable is that each apartment has its own local bus, and they are interconnected throughout the building with different bus IDs.
In any case, you’ll need to get in touch with the people managing the building to know about the setup and if it is possible to add a gateway in your own part of the bus.
And at this point, I’m not even sure what the messages transiting on the bus would be like and I cannot tell you if this integration would work as-is…

Hi Julien,

back from vacation :frowning_face: i still have issues with HA and Bticino automation.

example: - the light in the bathroom is physically off – the status for the entity is ON ? also the swith in the lovelace is showing on ?
when I toggle the switch in lovelace to OFF it automatically returns to the on position.

When I toggle the switch from on to off and back to on the light physically turns on and stay on.

When I then toggle the switch to the off position, the lights physically turns off but the entity for that light and the lovelace switch stays on ??
Have this problem with multiple Bticino entity’s
Also the other way around, light is physically on but entity is oFF
Do you have an idee ???
When I restart the server it resolves itself for a time than the problem returns.
No errors in the logfile

Hi Dirk!
Unfortunately this is a problem that happens regularly for some people, and almost never for others.
The problem seems to be that the gateway unilaterally closes the connection.
You can try to restart the gateway, maybe it’ll behave a little bit better after that, but there’s no guarantee.
Sometime the problem is rather the network between the two, it might be worth trying to connect them both on the same switch if it’s not already the case.
Another option would be to try to send messages (maybe a simple ack *#*1##) every minute or so using the send_message service in an automation; maybe that can help maintain the connection open, but again, no guarantee.

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Before I migrated to the home assistant, I was using my btcino in node red with a self made solution that would send TCP packages. I noticed this problem also. The gateway would stop sending responses! My solution was to make periodic requests to the gateway and if no response arrived I would try to reconnect! The problem is that the gateway must have some kind of limit on the number of connections, and the dropped connection would still be active! I ended up adding a script to force the drop off All connections when I deleted that no feedback was being returned and I was not able to regain connection.

Do you store the key and connection, or do you keep generating a new key? Because in my logs I see that the system keeps making requests for new keys. And my connection drops after some time