Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hi @XDUSS, I’m glad you like the integration :slight_smile:

The goal I have with it is to present the actual capabilities of your MyHome system as faithfully as possible to Home Assistant.
That means that if your covers do not actually support position, I will not make HA believe they do within this integration.

As you’ve discovered, other integrations are specialised for this purpose, and probably do a better job than I ever could.
So I would recommend using them to reach that result!

bonjour Julien,image

good day Julien,
I would like to know if your integration takes into account the messages on the photo

Hi, no they’re not supported at the moment.
I think WHO 6 is the door entry system, right? But I don’t have documentation for it so I don’t know how it works…
And WHO 8, I’ve never seen, what is it for?

who 6 is for the portal. you’re right.
Who 8b is for the control screen. It is a 10 inch screen. It serves as an intercom

Would you have any documentation on how these work?
What kind of functionality would you wish to see available in HA for them?

Bonjour Julien


I have a screen bus 10 pouces Celiane. => 067219 Ecran tactile couleur MyHOME screen BUS 10pouces Céliane écran capacitif - blanc - Espace Pro | Legrand

In the screen , i see my interphone and my alarm => my interphone is composed to Bticino | BTI-351300 and Bticino | BTI-352000 and BTicino - 353200

My Alarme : i don t remenber the reference

For the documentation : Home - HS
Open Web Net documentation - Works with Legrand


OWN_Intro_ENG.pdf (legrand.com)
Firts time, if possible open and close the portal.

After , i hope see my interphone and my alarm

thanks a lot

I unfortunately know about the publicly available OpenWebNet documentation. That’s the reason I asked if you knew how the system works, because WHO 6 and WHO 8 are not documented anywhere…
I think Legrand/Bticino forgot about the “open” part of OpenWebNet long ago…

Since I don’t have this system and it is not documented, I cannot know how to integrate it, and I can’t even try to reverse engineer its protocol without help.

Oh dommage.

Do you myombox,

Maybe, He can help you.

I own a myombox, that I haven’t used in many years because it was too limited. (That’s 400€ I’m never seeing again…)
I think that if he wanted to help the community, he would not have made a closed-source paying product.
Even his source code is compiled PHP so nobody can look into it.
I’m not sure it’s even worth asking.

It s a same for me.

Did you have a example of the document for programmation who’?

I try to find something.

Who 6 is the first videodoor frame F453AV and 8 is new door entry frame for F454
All of these frames don’t are managed by Myhomeserver1 , and Hometouch.
Thus, don’t spend time on implement them
On the old MyOpenwebnet forum there was the docs

Hi Sandro, thanks for your feedback
Do you mean the old www.myopen-legrandgroup.com/forums that closed 2 years ago?
It’s a shame that they did not keep the old forum’s history…

What do you mean WHO 6 & 8 are not supported by MHS1? The gateway will not send commands to the bus if it receives them via OpenWebNet?

Exact, in Myhomeserver1 you see the frames, but if you send to it, Myhomeserver1 don’t execute.
One typical use is the who 6 for open the door.
If you send the correct frame, which works on F454, Myhomeserver1 don’t execute. Same case if you have Hometouch.
Old forum is closed, but if need you, I can send you by PM the docs (I image that you know Sdomotica and my solution, but I’m happy to help your free project)

That’s very generous of you, I’ll be glad to have any protocol documentation you’re willing to share :slight_smile:

Goodmorning everyone,

after switching to openhab3 and tired of the various bindig problems for myhome integration, i decided to test home assistant with my myhome system and after only a few hours i was able to set up my whole system complete with server 1, mh202, touch 10 " , lights, shutters, temperature sensors, solar panels ecc and I was amazed by the simplicity of homeassistant and above all by the integration of Julien to whom I congratulate and thank.
Feel free to ask for any help you may need to test something that’s inside my system.
This message, besides a greeting to the community, is because some time ago I found a software that “sniffs” the openwebnet code and at the same time allowed to send commands but now I can’t find it anywhere. Can someone give me a tip so that I can optimize all the various scripts and automations ??

Thanks for everything and congratulations to Julien again


Good evening folks,
I’ve published v 0.8.3 a few hours ago, two big additions here:

  • WHO 1 light and motion sensors
  • Entity and device garbage collection when they are removed from the YAML config

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

There will be kind of a change freeze for a few weeks as I’m reworking a part of OWNd to better handle the transmission of error messages between OWNd and the integration; as well as some major refactoring of the code to make it easier to maintain.
This will also include a way to use OWNd itself as a basic OpenWebNet client to both send and received messages on the bus, with a possibility to save the output to a file. Similar to the official one @Costa is likely referring to, but in CLI only.

Have a good one!

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Hello @anotherjulien , thanks for your nice work.
I recently added a Bticino F413N to myHomeServer1 system.
It is a light actuator with an integrated dimmer.

I added to my configuration.yaml file the following code:

  - platform: myhome
        where: '01'
        name: Anelli Sala
        dimmable: True
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F413N

but i can’t see any dimmer option in Home Assistant (see screen below).

Turning on or off works just fine.
Do you have any suggestion? Something else other than dimmable: True must be added?
Thanks for the help.

I forgot, I am running HA 2021.9.3 and v 0.8.3

Hi, if you click on the entity name, you should get the option to set the light level.

Screenshot 2021-09-23 at 09.27.54

But I’ve never used an F413N, so I don’t know if it responds to the same commands other dimmer use; we’ll see :slight_smile:
Just out of curiosity, what kind of lamp are you driving with it? The 0-10v dimmer does not see to be common!

Hi @anotherjulien!

Thanks for your replay and yes, the tiny software was that one!
As i wrote, i’m working to tune up HA (to replace my old OH istallation) with my system and now i have a question for you regarding open the main gate using the x300 series intercom. Sniffing the data, the command to open the gate is:


i made up a script that works perfectly with standard command but with above command the log reported

2021-09-23 17:30:05 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Could not send message *6*10*4000##.

maybe because the service dont recognized the command lenght.

Any tip how to overcome this problem?



What kind of gateway do you have?
As @Sdomotica_Automation mentioned a few days ago, WHO 6 commands only work with F453AV gateways (and WHO 8 only with F454 gateways)