Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hi Julien,
I also entered the home assistant core logs…

2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=cover.tapparella_cameretta, old_state=None, new_state=<state cover.tapparella_cameretta=unknown; A=6, PL=5, friendly_name=Tapparella cameretta, supported_features=11, device_class=shutter @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.745062+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event device_registry_updated[L]: action=create, device_id=a866bcf0561df891aed5db52c5cb33ed>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event entity_registry_updated[L]: action=create, entity_id=climate.termo_soggiorno>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81## was successfully queued.
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_soggiorno, old_state=None, new_state=<state climate.termo_soggiorno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'heat'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=termo soggiorno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.746865+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event device_registry_updated[L]: action=create, device_id=6c84b047f2ba9a1632f745856af7f7e7>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event entity_registry_updated[L]: action=create, entity_id=climate.termo_camera>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*82## was successfully queued.
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=None, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event device_registry_updated[L]: action=create, device_id=a8579cf9fac5c698640328a834eb6201>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event entity_registry_updated[L]: action=create, entity_id=climate.termo_bagno>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*83## was successfully queued.
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=None, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event device_registry_updated[L]: action=create, device_id=9738d0df6296c5a9841da8902e3ad3f7>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event entity_registry_updated[L]: action=create, entity_id=climate.termo_cameretta>
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*84## was successfully queued.
2021-10-08 15:52:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_cameretta, old_state=None, new_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1101*#0#81##
2021-10-08 15:52:10 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=#0
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*21*#0#81##
2021-10-08 15:52:10 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=#0
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81## received response *4*1101*#0#81##.
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*82## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*82## was successfully sent.
2021-10-08 15:52:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*83## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*0*0235##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 23.5°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*83## received response *#4*82*0*0235##.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*84## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*12*0060*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's local target temperature is set to 6.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=6.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1*82##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's mode is set to 'heat'.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=6.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.747582+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=6.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:11.463824+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*84## received response *#4*82*12*0060*3##.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Timer:starting
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=6.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:11.463824+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:11.463824+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*13*11##
2021-10-08 15:52:11 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's local offset is set to -1°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_camera, old_state=<state climate.termo_camera=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:11.463824+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_camera=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=6.0, friendly_name=Termo Camera, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:11.463824+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*83*0*0231##
2021-10-08 15:52:12 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 23.1°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*83*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:12 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#18*53*#1200#1*125## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*83*12*0080*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:12 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's local target temperature is set to 8.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=8.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1*83##
2021-10-08 15:52:12 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's mode is set to 'heat'.
2021-10-08 15:52:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=8.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748278+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=8.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:12.826046+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*83*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:13 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=8.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:12.826046+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:12.826046+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*83*13*01##
2021-10-08 15:52:13 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 83's local offset is set to 1°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_bagno, old_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:12.826046+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_bagno=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.1, temperature=8.0, friendly_name=Termo Bagno, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:12.826046+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*84*0*0235##
2021-10-08 15:52:13 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 23.5°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_cameretta, old_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=None, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*84*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:13 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_cameretta, old_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=None, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*84*12*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:14 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's local target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1*84##
2021-10-08 15:52:14 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's mode is set to 'heat'.
2021-10-08 15:52:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.termo_cameretta, old_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=unknown; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:03.748942+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.termo_cameretta=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=23.5, temperature=7.0, friendly_name=Termo Cameretta, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-08T15:52:14.218124+02:00>>
2021-10-08 15:52:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*84*14*0070*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:14 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's target temperature is set to 7.0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*84*13*00##
2021-10-08 15:52:14 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 84's local offset is set to 0°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81*#14*0100*3## was successfully queued.
2021-10-08 15:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81*#14*0100*3## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-08 15:52:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#0#81*#14*0100*3## received response *#4*83*14*0070*3##.
2021-10-08 15:52:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*110#0100*#0#81##
2021-10-08 15:52:19 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=#0
2021-10-08 15:52:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*21*#0#81##
2021-10-08 15:52:19 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=#0
2021-10-08 15:52:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*81*13*00##
2021-10-08 15:52:19 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=81
2021-10-08 15:52:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*81*0*0235##
2021-10-08 15:52:20 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=81
2021-10-08 15:52:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1*81##
2021-10-08 15:52:21 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=81
2021-10-08 15:52:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#18*53*113*233##
2021-10-08 15:52:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*81*12*0100*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:21 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=81
2021-10-08 15:52:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*1*81##
2021-10-08 15:52:21 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unknown device: WHO=4 WHERE=81
2021-10-08 15:52:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*0*0235##
2021-10-08 15:52:22 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 23.5°C.
2021-10-08 15:52:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*82*12*0090*3##
2021-10-08 15:52:22 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 82's local target temperature is set to 9.0°C.

I think I got something, could you test the master version of the code on github?

Of course! I just installed the master version and let’s say that the thermoregulation part works great … only with the aux I have problems! Why?

I can confirm that the auxes work perfectly too!
Great Julien!

Can you please help me understand better the difference between gateways? There are some really cheap and I just need a way to access bticino from HA. At least that’s the way I see it.
Also anyone ever tried easykon? It seems very practical.

@tomfool1985, @XDUSS, can you please also test the current master and let me know if it solves your problem?

Hi Julien,

Where I take it?

I installed trough hacs.


in HACS, you select “master” instead of a version number

Ok done,but still the same issue…

i have just noticed that if i go the file manifest.json the version quoted is the 0.8.3 is it ok?


I’m far from home and would not want to spoil anything after updating my home assistant and hacs. As soon as I come back I will let you know :slight_smile:

OK, then I’ll need core debug logs, as @vix0971 provided.
It’s the same procedure as for the integration debug logs, but for homeassistant.core

Ok i have this:

2021-10-12 09:19:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*4002#1*0#1##
2021-10-12 09:19:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.living_room, old_state=<state climate.living_room=off; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=24.5, temperature=25.0, hvac_action=off, friendly_name=Living room, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:18:59.553334+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.living_room=off; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=24.5, temperature=0.1, hvac_action=off, friendly_name=Living room, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:18:59.553334+02:00>>
2021-10-12 09:19:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*4002*1##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1#1*#20*5##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unsupported message type: *#4*1#1*#20*5##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1#1*#20*5##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unsupported message type: *#4*1#1*#20*5##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1#1*20*5##
2021-10-12 09:19:07 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's fan is off.

Then i tried to set another termostat:

2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: domain=climate, service=set_temperature, service_data=entity_id=climate.scantinato, temperature=19>
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#5*#14*0190*3## was successfully queued.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#5*#14*0190*3## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*#5*#14*0190*3## was successfully sent.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*#14*0190*2##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received heating command, sending query to zone 5
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## was successfully queued.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## received response *#4*1*0*0245##.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*#14*0190*2##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received heating command, sending query to zone 5
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## was successfully queued.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*5## received response *4*202*1##.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*5##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.scantinato, old_state=<state climate.scantinato=off; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=19.8, temperature=23.0, hvac_action=off, friendly_name=Scantinato, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:18:02.965473+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.scantinato=cool; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=19.8, temperature=23.0, hvac_action=idle, friendly_name=Scantinato, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:27:16.736812+02:00>>
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=group.clima_scantinato, old_state=<state group.clima_scantinato=off; entity_id=('climate.scantinato', 'climate.camera_scantinato'), order=2, friendly_name=Scantinato @ 2021-10-12T09:17:57.620901+02:00>, new_state=<state group.clima_scantinato=on; entity_id=('climate.scantinato', 'climate.camera_scantinato'), order=2, friendly_name=Scantinato @ 2021-10-12T09:27:16.747222+02:00>>
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*12*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's local target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.scantinato, old_state=<state climate.scantinato=cool; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=19.8, temperature=23.0, hvac_action=idle, friendly_name=Scantinato, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:27:16.736812+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.scantinato=cool; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=19.8, temperature=19.0, hvac_action=idle, friendly_name=Scantinato, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:27:16.736812+02:00>>
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*5##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 09:27:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*0*0198##
2021-10-12 09:27:16 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 19.8°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*0*0198##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 19.8°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*210*#5##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*#5*14*0190*2##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*12*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's local target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*5##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*14*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*13*00##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's local offset is set to 0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*7*2*1*0190##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*14*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:17 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#6*0030##
2021-10-12 09:27:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#8*0400##
2021-10-12 09:27:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#5*0030##
2021-10-12 09:27:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#7*0400##
2021-10-12 09:27:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*0*0198##
2021-10-12 09:27:18 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 19.8°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*12*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's local target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*5##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*14*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*13*00##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's local offset is set to 0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*7*2*1*0190##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*14*0190*3##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's target temperature is set to 19.0°C.
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#6*0030##
2021-10-12 09:27:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#8*0400##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#5*0030##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5*8#7*0400##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5#1*#20*7##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unsupported message type: *#4*5#1*#20*7##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5#1*#20*7##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Unsupported message type: *#4*5#1*#20*7##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*5#1*20*7##
2021-10-12 09:27:20 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 5's fan is on at speed 2.
2021-10-12 09:27:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*4001#5*0#1##
2021-10-12 09:27:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.living_room, old_state=<state climate.living_room=off; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=24.5, temperature=24.0, hvac_action=off, friendly_name=Living room, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:26:38.695851+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.living_room=off; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=24.5, temperature=0.5, hvac_action=off, friendly_name=Living room, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-12T09:26:38.695851+02:00>>
2021-10-12 09:27:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*0#1*20*1##
2021-10-12 09:27:22 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's actuator 1 is on.

Ok. Now 1 zone works perfectly, but … a few hours before myhome integration update - all thermostats changed state to cooling, in the menu I can only set ‘off’, when I click ‘heat’ or ‘auto’ the thermostat changes its state to ‘cooling’ - all thermostats have heating only options, they do not have a cooling actuator and that’s how they are set up in the configuration file. Do you have any idea?

2021-10-12 21:11:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*1## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 21:11:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*0*0185##
2021-10-12 21:11:14 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's main sensor is reporting a temperature of 18.5°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*1## received response *#4*1*0*0185##.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#18*53*113*31##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Sensor 3 is reporting an active power draw of 31 W.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*12*0180*3##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's local target temperature is set to 18.0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*1##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*2## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*2## received response *4*0*1##.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*14*0180*3##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's target temperature is set to 18.0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*3## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*13*00##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's local offset is set to 0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*3## received response *#4*1*13*00##.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*3## was successfully sent.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Message *#4*4## was successfully unqueued by worker 0.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*7*2*1*0180##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*14*0180*3##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's target temperature is set to 18.0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*7*2*1*0180##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*14*0180*3##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's target temperature is set to 18.0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*12*0180*3##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's local target temperature is set to 18.0°C.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*0*1##
2021-10-12 21:11:15 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Zone 1's mode is set to 'cool'.
2021-10-12 21:11:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#6*0030##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#8*0400##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#8*0400##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#5*0030##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#7*0400##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*1*8#7*0400##
2021-10-12 21:11:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *#4*2*0*0204##

One more thing: when I change something in my myhome configuration file - all myhome entity lose their custom icon :frowning:

@tomfool1985 thank you! So the culprit seems to be *4*4001#5*0#1##… I don’t know what WHAT = 4001 is, but there was some parsing error that considered it as a “mode” message with a target temperature.
I’m working on a fix for that and I’ll let you know when it’s OK to test! :slight_smile:

@XDUSS, well, that’s very strange, because your bus sent the *4*0*1## message; as per documentation WHAT = 0 is “conditioning mode” (which I understand to be cooling mode).
Off should be either 103 or 303

Ok. I will check the configuration in MyHome Suite - but strange because it worked flawlessly for 3 months, and I haven’t really changed the configuration since then … I’ll let you know as soon as I find out something :slight_smile:

Thanks to you!

I have something - interesting: if the thermostat is in cooling mode - and you want to change it to heating mode, it is not possible from the thermostat card. This is because when clicking on the heating or cooling icon, a command is sent only to set the temperature (e.g. ‘* #4* ZONE* #14* 0200* 1##’) which does not change the thermostat mode…
To change the mode, send first: ‘* 4* 1* ZONE##’ (mode change) and then ‘* #4* ZONE* #14* 0200* 1##’ (temperature setting) :slight_smile:
Can you change this in the next update?

And as for the automatic change of all thermostats to cooling mode … I still have no idea why this happened - probably some command had to be sent to the bus, but I wonder why :open_mouth: I checked myhome suit configuration and it turned out that it has not been changed - it is set heating mode with actors only heating, but surprisingly, in this mode, you can also change the thermostat to cooling mode by sending the appropriate command: ‘* 4* 0* ZONE##’, but how is it possible that something automatically sent such a command to the bus?

And… problem with zone 1 returned :frowning:

2021-10-13 22:07:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*4001#1*0#1##
2021-10-13 22:07:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.garaz, old_state=<state climate.garaz=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=17.8, temperature=20.0, friendly_name=Garaż, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-13T22:05:31.844078+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.garaz=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=17.8, temperature=0.1, friendly_name=Garaż, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-13T22:05:31.844078+02:00>>

2021-10-13 22:08:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.myhome] Received: *4*4002#10*0#1##
2021-10-13 22:08:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=climate.garaz, old_state=<state climate.garaz=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=17.8, temperature=0.1, friendly_name=Garaż, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-13T22:05:31.844078+02:00>, new_state=<state climate.garaz=heat; hvac_modes=['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'cool'], min_temp=5, max_temp=40, target_temp_step=0.5, current_temperature=17.8, temperature=0.0, friendly_name=Garaż, supported_features=1 @ 2021-10-13T22:05:31.844078+02:00>>

One more thing:
In new release the integration remove and create new entity when home assistant startup - this remove all custom icon and etc - can you fix this?

As per documentation:

with M = operation mode

  1. heating mode
  2. conditional mode
  3. generic mode

You set up 10 zone at 21.5°C in heating mode: *#4*#10*#14*0215*1##

*4*what*where## with what = mode is not documented as a command, only as an event.
That means it is not something you can send, only receive.

For your cooling problem, I’m adding a test that will ignore “cooling” messages if you did not set your configuration with cool: True. I’m not convinced this is the right thing to do, and I can only hope there will not be any weird side effects for other users.

Your problem with zone one never went away, the fix for it is not yet published, I’m working on it and will hopefully reach something useful tonight.

I’ll try to look at the problem with overriding icons, but clearly I’m in over my head now. I have a life and a job; I’m alone maintaining this project and cannot be in 10 places at once.

Yep i know but if my termostat is in the cooling mode and i set him ‘* #4* 1* #14* 0215* 1##’ this not change him state to heat but change only temperature in cooling mode… if I want to change from cooling to heating I have to send first: ‘* 4* 1* 1##’ - and only this command change my state from cooling to heat… when i send ‘* 4* 0* 1##’ then termostat change state to cooling.
Maybe it’s just my case, but that’s how it works for me.

Ignoring the cooling message will not solve the problem because the thermostats have really switched to cooling mode - why? I have no idea, but if the same problem appears one day, I will check the logs as soon as possible - some command had to be sent that changed the mode of all thermostats to cooling. I need to find this command and its source - I’ll let you know when I find it :slight_smile:
Meanwhile, the only problem I know is not changing the mode from cooling to heating despite selecting this mode in the thermostat card - I described it above.

I can live with it all and get around it somehow, but I want to help in the development of integration because you do a really great job - and thanks to reporting problems or proposing their solutions, I hope that I help at least a little in improving integration :slight_smile: