Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Good news!! It works now! Thanks Julien, you’re very strong!
Below two screenshots of the log, first when changing temperature of central unit, second one when putting to off the central unit.
Also cooling seems to be working, the only action that is not possible is to switch directly from heating to cooling (need to change from winter to summer on myhomescreen), but this is not an issue because only happens 2 times in the year…
Just to know (sorry for stupid question) what does it changes when I set to 0.7.20 version ?

Thanks again!
And if you need more info or logs (also for other features) please let me know.

Hy Julien, first of all thank you for your great job! I’m using your integration for about 2 month and is working great.
I only have a problem with bticino power sensor f522, they are 3:
‘2021-01-14 10:41:59 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.MYHome] Unknown device: WHO=18 WHERE=72’
‘2021-01-14 10:43:02 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.MYHome] Unknown device: WHO=18 WHERE=73’
'2021-01-14 10:44:10 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.MYHome] Unknown device: WHO=18 WHERE=71 ’
this is the config in configuration.yaml

where: ‘573’
name: prese_piano1
class: power
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F522
where: ‘572’
name: cucina_f522
class: power
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F522
where: ‘571’
name: centrale_termicaf522
class: power
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F522

I’ve no error in the log but the value returned is always zero.
I’ve also a f520 and f521 and these return the correct power consumption.
Have you got some suggestion?

according to your log warnings, you must enter where as the address. just remove the number 5. you should have this configuration.

  - platform: myhome
        where: '73'
        name: prese_piano1
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: '72'
        name: cucina_f522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: '71'
        name: centrale_termicaf522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522

EDIT: See here

Thank you caiosweet ! I tried without 5 but it return always 0.
I was using 571 because for f520 and f521 the address with 5 is returning the correct value.
where: ‘5125’
name: “Centrale Termica”
class: power
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F520

Sorry! my bad.
in fact there is also written on github …

where is also a special case for those as well since power meters are always “5” followed by the sensor number assigned “[1-255]”.

maybe you lack automation to update the data, see here

service: myhome.start_sending_instant_power
  duration: 125
  entity_id: sensor.general_power

@federicoimg, changing the requirement to 0.7.20 forces your Home Assistant instance to download and install that version of the OWNd library that is used to communicate with the gateway. In that version I fixed a bug related to message handling and the way the zone number is manipulated.
Could you let me know if the actuators 2 and 3 for heat and cold is something you can configure or is it always 2 and 3 for everybody? (If this is something you know, of course!)

@Betman, I see in the WHO 18 documentation that F522 actuators have an address as “7[1-255]” instead of “5[1-255]” for F520 (F523 seem to have both??)
Can you try by just putting the where like this:

  - platform: myhome
        where: '773'
        name: prese_piano1
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: ‘772’
        name: cucina_f522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: ‘771’
        name: centrale_termicaf522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522

EDIT: Nevermind, I see in the code that I ignore the message if the where does not start with “5”, give me some time to edit this, and I will publish a new version of OWNd!
I’ll let you know when you can try!

@anotherjulien I change the confing but unfortunately always 0. Could you link me the documentation so i can check?
@caiosweet I can collect data from other sensor without the service, only f522 are giving me problem


Actually, the change in the code was not that bad… So I already published the new version of OWNd.
All you need to do to try it is edit the manifest.json file and set the requirement as OWNd==0.7.21 and set your configuration as follows:

  - platform: myhome
        where: '73'
        name: prese_piano1
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: ‘72’
        name: cucina_f522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522
        where: ‘71’
        name: centrale_termicaf522
        class: power
        manufacturer: BTicino
        model: F522

With the sensors as 71, 72 and 73 (That’s why it already started with a 7, I should have known :smiley:)

Once done, restart HA and it should work like this!
When you confirm it works properly, I’ll publish this new requirement in the integration’s master branch.

(The OpenWebNet documentation for WHO 18 is here, but as all documentation for OpenWebNet: it is old and incomplete.)

I changed according your suggestion and restarted home assistant. Unfortunately data is another time 0.
I configured the same object in myhome app as energy meter with the same address…and also there the value is 0!
So I think your integration is correct, is myhome up system that doesn’t permit reading this data.
I also enabled bedug log and cannot see message concerning object with ID 71-72-73, only with ID 5xx.
Is anyone using the same module ( f522 ) and collecting data?

Ciao Julien,
about the actuators I’m not sure, I checked installator manual of 4695 central unit (4 zone) and it is possible to configure actuators in the range 1-9. In my system number 2 and 3 are configured but I think this is something that can be changed for different systems.

Thanks again.

@Betman, I suppose you also tried to call the appropriate service to get the sensor to send its instant power consumption, right?
It might be those do not send instant power since they seem to be designed for load control, but that would still be strange.

@federicoimg, thanks for the information :slightly_smiling_face: This is a level of complexity that I won’t tackle right now, but I’ll keep it in mind for a future development!

Julien, great job. Thank you.
I installed through HACS and I can control devices, but I don’t get status updates.
A restart didn’t help.

Also, the ‘Integrations’ page shows 5 instances of the F454. I don’t know if this is related.

Hi, yes, that would probably be your problem…
You’ll need to go to all gateways configured on the integration page and delete all of them to leave only one (does not matter which one).
Then restart and you should be good to go!

I still need to remove the mechanism that tries the default password automatically, it’s more trouble than it is worth in the end.

You were right - this solved the issue. THANK YOU!

Yes, i created the corresponding service but no value is returned. At the moment i’ll use only f520 module and leave this 3 unconfigured
Thank you

Ok. Sometimes it happens.
I found this workaround.
API - Reload integration with CURL or Rest Command

I hope it will be useful :sunglasses:

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about power monitoring with F522, have you tried to use 71#0, 72#0, 73#0 ?


The #0 part should not be part of what is put in the configuration file.
The library splits this when receiving events, and the unique identifier for the device will always ignore what’s the # and whatever comes after.

Hi Julien,
I’m using your fantastic MyHome component for a month and it works fine.
But concerning the cover items it seems that you don’t support the optimistic attribute that allows to track automatically the cover state, depending on the command you send it.
Is it correct ?
Do you have any plan to support it?
Thanks in advance for your help

I’m afraid I’ve never heard about the optimistic attribute…
Can you explain what it is / how it works? Or is there documentation about that?