Let's start talking about the new Z-wave JS integration

Hi there! I have the same setup together with those smoke/co2 detectors. I recently migrated from OpenZwave. Did you have to repair your alarms before they were recognized? Mine are showing, but are showing as unrecognized, per the screenshot below

Take a look here for what I did


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Any tips on what the value is for Key Held?
I’ve tried KeyHold, KeyHeld etc
Debugging only gives me Scene 001 2 or Scene 001 4

I think I have a little overlap here in the dump for the garage door, probably a bit from the devices before and after.

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“label”: “Device Reset”, “isFromConfig”: true}}, {“endpoint”: 0, “commandClass”: 114, “commandClassName”: “Manufacturer Specific”, “property”: “manufacturerId”, “propertyName”: “manufacturerId”, “ccVersion”: 1, “metadata”: {“type”: “number”, “readable”: true, “writeable”: false, “min”: 0, “max”: 65535, “label”: “Manufacturer ID”}, “value”: 134}, {“endpoint”: 0, “commandClass”: 114, “commandClassName”: “Manufacturer Specific”, “property”: “productType”, “propertyName”: “productType”, “ccVersion”: 1, “metadata”: {“type”: “number”, “readable”: true, “writeable”: false, “min”: 0, “max”: 65535, “label”: “Product type”}, “value”: 3}, {“endpoint”: 0, “commandClass”: 114, “commandClassName”: “Manufacturer Specific”, “property”: “productId”, “propertyName”: “productId”, “ccVersion”: 1, “metadata”: {“type”: “number”, “readable”: true, “writeable”: false, “min”: 0, “max”: 65535, “label”: “Product ID”}, “value”: 6}, {“endpoint”: 0, “commandClass”: 134, “commandClassName”: “Version”, “property”: 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No need to guess, just use the Dev Tools->Events and list for zwave_js_event. I get a series of these as I hold the button down:

    "event_type": "zwave_js_event",
    "data": {
        "type": "value_notification",
        "domain": "zwave_js",
        "node_id": 36,
        "home_id": 3912215050,
        "endpoint": null,
        "device_id": "deb1275641d16ba2a7ad2f095f681689",
        "command_class": 91,
        "command_class_name": "Central Scene",
        "label": "Scene 001",
        "property_name": "scene",
        "property_key_name": "001",
        "value": "KeyHeldDown"

followesd by this:

    "event_type": "zwave_js_event",
    "data": {
        "type": "value_notification",
        "domain": "zwave_js",
        "node_id": 36,
        "home_id": 3912215050,
        "endpoint": null,
        "device_id": "deb1275641d16ba2a7ad2f095f681689",
        "command_class": 91,
        "command_class_name": "Central Scene",
        "label": "Scene 001",
        "property_name": "scene",
        "property_key_name": "001",
        "value": "KeyReleased"

I trigger on the “KeyReleased” event, which only triggers once after I’ve held the button down for a while.

I’m trying to move over from OZW to ZwaveJS-to-MQTT and I’m having some issues with some battery devices being recognized… specifically some Aeotec ZW089 recessed door sensors and some Homeseer HS-LS100+ water sensors. These all worked under OZW. Is there a current device list that is supported by ZwaveJS.

You have to wake them up

Does Z-Wave JS work with the 64 bit HA supervised install? I don’t see it in the add-on section.

I’ve got a bunch of Homeseer HS-WD200+ dimmer switches and there seems to be a few problems with them. First, firmware 5.14 adds a new config parameter that does not show up in the zwavejs2mqtt interface under the device config (this specifically is to set the minimum dim level for the device). I think I’ve found the device config, updated it, but the changes I added don’t show up in the UI.

Second, when these devices do some level changes, it seems HA is not updating all the time, so situations happen where HA thinks the light is still on, when it is in fact off, and can’t control it anymore to turn it on or off. In the old zwave integration, I had an option for a refresh_value and delay for that refresh. Is there such a beast with this zwaveJS integration? A way to force a refresh after x seconds to get the proper / current status?

Same issue here, I only have thermostatic valves, but after a couple of minutes they become unresponsive in Home Assistant, but on the Z-Wave control panel they just work fine.

The logbook of HA says:

* Config entry 'Z-Wave JS' for zwave_js integration not ready yet. Retrying in 5 seconds
* Client unable to keep up with pending messages. Stayed over 512 for 5 seconds

It worked perfect with the old integration, where Home Assistant was the controller.
Running Home Assistant core-2021.2.3 in a docker container
And ZwaveJS2MQTT version 6.2.0

My issue went away after I restart everything. I restarted my docker container for the new Zwave as well as Home Assistant.

Hi Experts, I’m looking for some advice.

I now have 2 zwave networks running in parallel, covering roughly the same areas.
One is OpenZWave beta with 35 devices, the other is zwavejs with 84 devices. This has historical reasons, of course.

Which is the best way to move forward?

  1. Merge them into one zwavejs?
  2. Migrate the openzwave to zwavejs and keep two separate meshes?
    Both networks work quite well, but not fantastic, performancewise.

Are the two aeotec sticks interfering with each other? The are 1,5m apart, and 1m from the HA NUC.

What is the practical upper device count limit for one aeotec stick?

There’s a WIP devices db with search - https://devices.zwave-js.io/. Both those devices are mentioned are supported. As petro says, you got to wake them up.


After updating to 2021.2.3 all my entities became unavailable in Z-Wave JS.
All nodes are still visible, just entities became unavailable.

If I surf my devices through zwavejs2mqtt I can see all of them included their values. Example Aeotec Multisensor 6.

Everything worked like a charm since the beginning and today after updating to 2021.2.3 all entities became unavailable.

Any clue?

It looks like the config for zwavejs was completely wiped with an integration update. Happened to me this morning as well so I’m now going back through node by node and setting the names back to where they should be. A little frustrating. If you are set to auto update, I’d turn that off for now.

I tried to change node names but unfortunately it didn’t work for me. Even with the new name entities will still be unavailable, and node appears to be not ready

I have just tried to remove a node and add it back. It still appears as Node ready: No

So entities are not back.

That hasn’t happened on any released version. It looks like the integration is not connected. Can you verify that it’s connected properly? Your logs would tell you.

It looks like the integration has not connected to the server. Just restart home assistant, DO NOT REBOOT. restart core only by going to the server controls and restarting. Make sure it connects to zwavejs2mqtt

Yeah I restarted my docker container for HA and then got a crap ton of notifications from Alexa about my devices being available with their generic names. I’ll restart HA container again via the server controls and see if it makes a change here. Would be nice to not have to start over.

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My last reply was to the other gentleman. Either way, if home assistant starts up at the same time as the server and the servers not ready, you’ll have issues. The unqiue_id’s for the server have not changed so everything will be named the same. If you delete the integration, it will wipe out your names.