LG Smartthinq Air Conditioning

Well my LG system is finally installed, Got the android app working and now starting the process of linking it to home assistant. Fingers crossed lol.

So I got my token and put it in the config file with smartthinq but no entity’s show up in the LS or entities… I used the API2 fork and got further with actual aircon details now but cant put that into home assistant. So my question is has anyone got the LG Smartthinq working with the API2 and home assistant?

Boa tarde, tudo bem? Você conseguiu realizar a integração do ar lg? Eu estou com dificuldades nesta integração também. Nome caso após instalar o portainer eu não consigo ter acesso a pasta custom_components. Obrigado.

To do that you need to go-to settings of portainer and unhide the containers.

Hi all, i have the problem with the command. I stuck with the command python3.
please help me to get the token.

try typing “which python3”. Its should be installed and this command will give you the full path to it. So if it says /xxxxx/yyyyy/python3 then stick the “/xxxxx/yyyyy/“ infront of your python3 command and try again.

I am also looking for guidance how I can add my 2 LG Smart ThinQ Airconditioners. I’ve added the HACS integration “SmartThinQ LGE Sensors”, but getting stuck at the configuration. I cannot figure out how I can do the configuration via the web UI: “Simply add a new “integration” and look for “SmartThinQ LGE Sensors” among the proposed ones and follow setup worflow .” Does anyone know what this “follow setup workflow” means?

Hi sliwkacz,
Did you fix that issue?

I am looking at getting the LG B55AWY-7G5A system at the moment… so its working well in HA? Which WiFi module is recommended?

Yup @wishie - works a treat. Heres my setup if it helps ya.

Outside-Unit Model: B55AWY U3G6
In-Roof Model: B55AWY N7G5A
In-Roof WiFi Dongle: PWFMDD201 (model LCW-005)
Indoor Control Panel: PREMTB001 / PREMTBB01

Excellent. Ill try to match up those numbers as close as possible. My only concern now, is the API v1 and v2 non-sense.

I hope I don’t run into too much trouble.

Yeah i recently heard about that too, but ive been blissfully unaware there even was different API versions. I guess that means ive got older AC hardware? Or dongle? Although thinking about it, the API is against the lg.com service, so maybe the region?. Im in sydney, oz. anycase, happy to help you get it online if you hit a snag.

I up near Brisbane. Will be trying to organise to get the unit early next week. Seen a place that has the ducted unit itself for $3499. I guess the WiFi dongle is a couple of hundred on top?

Yup i seem to recall bout $120. While ago though. It looks like this.

So I’ve gone ahead and ordered the A/C unit online. I will now look for a retailer for the Wi-Fi module. Hopefully this will all work fairly easily in HA

Do you happen to remember where you got the dongle from? LCW-005 isn’t showing any useful results in my searches.

There was one on ebay at the time i purchased. None now though i see. I ordered through the same place that installed the unit. “The air con guys” in sydney. I reckon any AC company who supplies LG will be able to source for you.

This is the exact thing I purchased: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LG-Ducted-Inverter-Air-Conditioner-14-2kw-17kw-Central-Heating-Cooling-RRP-4299/114247752734

Claims to be the same model as yours. When I asked them on the phone about the Wi-Fi module they said “Not sure, but I think around $350” which seemed a bit steep to me.

Will try another place.

Yeah 100% wasnt that much. I know as i found the email i pinged to my wife to get a price from the air con guys at the time, and in that email i gave a link to the ebay item - which was $130. I seem to recall the air con guys being sliiiighty more expensive but not by much. I remember thinking - yup ill go with these guys for warranty.

I just noticed that my unit apparently comes with the “Premium Controller” as standard… You just have the regular controller, yeah?

Yeah i noticed that. Which killed me a little :frowning: haha. All good, enjoy! One benefit you will have that i dont is zone control all in that premium unit. I have a seperate button pushy thingy next to my standard wall controller for that. So No way to automate the opening / closing of airflow to zones. One day i might upgrade. Perhaps you can pave the way here!