LG webostv integration added via UI, cannot add in turn_on_action

I’ve got a webostv, LG C1. The only way to turn on the TV is through wake on LAN, described in the manual. I’ve created a a switch entity to execute wake on LAN (which works), however I want the power button tied to the media_player entity to also perform the wake on LAN broadcast.

As described a few different posts here, with manual configurations I just need to add a couple lines for turn_on_action and that’ll provide the power on button to the media_player entity. However manual configuration for is deprecated for webostv, with the UI install being the only way to add it. I tried adding the lines to a customize.yaml entry however it doesn’t seem to work.

The official documentation has an example going through an automation.


Solution: Some how if you enter in the automation example provided in the doc page, a power button will magically appear with the TV entity. I don’t understand why or how, and I wish the documentation was clearer, but there you go.

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I use the LG WebOS remote and it need a service too, so I guess its the same for the media player entity.

First add the line below to your configuration.yaml

Then go to your configuration page and find the blueprint section.
Open it and click import blueprint.
Insert the line below and click preview blueprint

Next click import blueprint and then the LG webOS Smart TV - Turn On Action blueprint and create and automation based on it.

Did you assign a static IP?

I think so, but it worked with a dynamic too, because I tried that yesterday.
Just remember that there is an option for always on in the TVs settings that needs to be enabled and a magic packet only works on the wired interface.