ahh, I see. Thanks for the infomation. Do you will integrate it before december?
October 24, 2023, 8:03pm
PR is up to support this, I hope it will be part of 2023.11 release.
← Kane610:deconz-fix_lidl_christmas_light_effects
opened 07:58PM - 24 Oct 23 UTC
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Support more light effects for the Lidl Christmas light.
Requested https://community.home-assistant.io/t/lidl-melinera-christmas-string-hg06467-lidl-livarno-lux/367639
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@Robban Thanks for the good news
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@Robban Was this tested with actual hardware?
I have the HA deconz addon 6.22.0 and HA 2023.12.0b1 but colorloop
is still the only effect the selector presents me.
December 2, 2023, 11:13pm
No. I go on data I scrape together. There are way too many devices supported by deconz.
I expand thw effects list on the device model “TS0601”
OK understandable. Can I help debugging it?
December 2, 2023, 11:52pm
Yes can you start by validating the device model?
It will help with creating an issue on home assistant github
Ok - mfg id is _TZE200_s8gkrkxk
and model id is TS0601
The Phoscon webinterface lists it as LIDL Livarno Lux HG06467
The issue should be opened at the core
repo right?
edit: I verified that the effects are triggerarble by REST
December 3, 2023, 7:16am
Yes that’s correct
Do you see the other effects populated for the light?
You mean the effect selector dropdown in HA? No as said before it only lists colorloop
and that one is not supported by the device itself.
December 3, 2023, 4:02pm
At least that means the check for supporting effects work. But not the model id check.
I just verified the expected outcome by modifying the code so all devices reported support for all those LIDL Christmas light effects. A complete list of supported effects was provided as expected.
Can you enable debug logging per integration documentation instructions and share those?
So maybe I should exclude the colorloop from the TS0601?
If I search TS0601
at blakadders db I get a lot of devices… _TZE200_s8gkrkxk
lists only the Xmas strip.
I will try my best tomorrow (its nearly midnight here)
Which debugger components namespaces do I need to enable?
Its my production HA so it will be a bunch of data.
Should I do a REST PUT to deconz too?
December 4, 2023, 4:13pm
If you set the default logging to warning and then the deconz parts to debug there will not be much noise from other integrations. Set the logging config and reload the integration and you will have all relevant data in the logs.
December 6, 2023, 8:37pm
December 15, 2024, 7:52pm
Would it be possible to get this working in ZHA?
I noticed a thread on getting it to work in Zigbee2MQTT fail to see how I could get the effects into my ZHA setup without z2m or deCONZ.
Forgive me resurrecting yet another Christmas later.
December 16, 2024, 8:27am
This thread is about the support between deCONZ software and integration. Supporting this with ZHA is a separate request which involves other developers. So I suggest you create a new post in Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community
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December 17, 2024, 1:52pm
Thanks for your reply. That link led me eventually to an existing ZHA-device-handler issue #1933 , so here’s to hoping people there can replicate your work
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