Life360 Device Tracker Platform

That one works too.

Thanks. This nugget alone is worth the the price of today’s admission.

Much better than all the workarounds I use when trying to test templates based on a trigger!

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Like the button card So I Like to see your code too :wink:
Please share it with us

@Alwin_Hummels and @redeye_joe I will happily share the code for this button soon, but I’ve been hoping that @RomRider would have chance to look at a bug I raised for a map refresh issue ( with it before doing so. The constant refreshing unfortunately spoils the final button which is why I haven’t shared the code yet, but may do so anyway in case anyone else can figure out a solution.

thanks a lot for your clear reaction

@Alwin_Hummels @redeye_joe I’ve posted the code on the button card thread here: Lovelace: Button card

Thanks I appreciate that

I’ll check what I can do, but I think it will be hard to tackle down :frowning:
Currently the card refreshes every time any entity is modified (which is the design I used so that you don’t have to declare the entities which would trigger an update of the button). That’s why you see this behaviour.

Thanks @RomRider, I appreciate whatever you are able to do even if no fix can be found. I have huge respect for any dev that commits their spare time to Home Assistant, making it such a great system to use (thanks to @pnbruckner for this Life360 integration too).

Hi everyone, strange behavior since upgrading to 107. The entity reports “Home” in several attributes, but “not home” in the State.

No change to the configuration have been made recently. I have used the integration for a while and i admit i have not kept up to date with discussions around potential breaking changes ?

Any ideas ?





    - username: !secret life360_username

      password: !secret life360_password


See Home - Home Assistant vs. Life360.

Thank @pnbruckner. I just read through the docs. If I understand correctly, unless I have a zone defined, then the default for “Home” is what i defined in my configuration.yaml (under homeassistant: latitude and longitude). I checked those numbers against what is reported by the life360 tracker (i am home right now) and the numbers were the same -rounded at the 3rd decimal point-. To be safe, I even pasted what was reported by the life360 entitiy with all the digits into my configuration for lat and lon. Restarted Homeassistant, but still the same issue.

What is the radius of the Home Place in the Life360 Circle? The default radius of HA’s Home zone is 100 meters.

Where do you show up in HA’s map?

Bottom line - the life360 integration doesn’t determine if the entity is home or not. It just reports the GPS data to the device_tracker component level code, and it decides.

Guess what, just upgraded to 107.1 and now it works :slight_smile: Thank you anyway, and -as always- immensely grateful to the Devs and the magic they do for all of us !! :slight_smile:

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FYI, I think there was a problem with the zone integration in 0.107.0. That could explain it.

Sounds like it, did not touch anything and it magically re-appeared…thanks @pnbruckner

I also cannot get life360 to work and also have no known_devices.yaml file. Where does this file come from? Do I need to create it manually? HA version 0.108.3.

I am new HA and I am trying without success to implement Life 360. The instuctions on the github page are really out of date. Why doesn’t someone go back and update them or remove them?

I have copied the 3 files and made the changes to my config.yaml file but it still doesn’t work I have read some comments about known_devices.yaml file but i don’t have such a file.

Please help.

It appears that you may be trying to use the really old custom integration, which was replaced long ago with a standard integration. Please remove everything you added, restart HA, then follow the directions for the standard integration.

At the very top of the doc page for the custom integration it says Life360 is now a standard integration.

Also at the top of this topic it says Life360 is now a standard integration.

Where did you look where that was not clear?