Life360 Device Tracker Platform

Actually, there is already (at least one) such feature request:

You might want to vote for it, and maybe add your comments there.


Been following this with interest. Long time user of Life360 and again thanks to Phil for all his efforts over the years

What I have done since the demise of Life360 is use the HA App along with iCloud v3 integration.

I do have Nabu Casa, but don’t use it for remote access, so I thought i would share what I do and it may help someone.

We are all iOS here, so my personal solution may not work for all.

I use Tailscale for remote access to my whole network (I have a tail scale router that exposes my whole network to the tailnet so tail scale not installed on the HA box explicitly). I have an iOS shortcut that enables tailscale on mine and my wife’s phone when we disconnect from my home SSIDs and another that disables it when I go back on it. Worked flawlessly for about 6 months. This way the HA app is connected to HA whilst out and to be honest I havent noticed any difference between Life360 and this.

I may add Google Maps too and add it to the person entity or Phil’s composite tracker that I have also set up.

Hope this helps someone.


did you find a solution I’m running it off my Synology as well as trying the terminal in the HA do i need to go through the NAS.
did do “find / -name life360” dint get any folders displayed.

Don’t bother. You’re not going to get it to work. Life360 has effectively shut down the use of their API to 3rd parties.


well damn that sucks was vary useful what’s the next best one out there that easy to install on the family’s phones.

thanks for the reply!!! was pulling my hair out trying to get it to work.

Google Maps: Google Maps - Home Assistant

For getting the cookie:

My family already had location sharing setup with me. I just used my account to set it up (so no A account/B account like the docs mentioned). The only things you lose are the picture from Google, real name, and battery percentage for the account being used. I just added the entity to my person card which already has my picture and name and I get battery from the HA app for me (which really means I just look at my phone screen since I’m not using the battery info for anything).

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In case it’s not 100% clear, Life360 is officially not allowing 3rd-party integrations as part of security changes (so they say), but I (for now) just use HA’s app tracking, making sure the phone settings always allow Location services for HA. It seems to be working well.

At least for me on Android, it identified me as in my Home radius within 10 seconds, and I have shitty mobile coverage around my house. My family with iPhones also seem to be working well, but I haven’t checked timing yet.


Anyone else still have the Life360 integration installed? I have not had time to switch over to the Google Map integration yet but noticed yesterday that in my HA dashboard, Life360 appears to potentially be working again? No longer see unavailable for my member entities (all showing correctly it appears as Home, Away, etc.) and recent history also appears to be reflecting correctly… Amy I losing it over here?

Interesting. I wonder if they have had a change of heart.

Haven’t tried it for a while. Interesting. I’ll have to give it a try again…

It would be nice if they did re-enable the capability. For some reason, my wife’s Google account will not let me share her location. I haven’t tried real hard to figure it out but kids and mine all work fine.

What version of HA are you on? It appears the Life360 Integration has been removed (though didn’t find in quick changelog search). Good news for me is the location tracking of the mobile Companion app has been a good substitute.
Core 2024.3.0
OS 12.0
Frontend 20240306.0

Interesting. Went back to 2023.12.4 on my test system and added my Life360 test account … AND IT WORKS!! :person_facepalming:

I’ll have to try out my custom version of the Life360 integration and see if it also still works on the latest & greatest HA. I’ll keep everyone posted…

Two caveats: 1) It doesn’t work with my “main” Life360 account on which I verified my phone (that whole thing), and 2) it may stop working at any moment like before.

UPDATE: Strange. My custom version of the integration also works on 2023.12.4, but not on 2024.3.0 (with the exact same config entry with the exact same Life360 credentials.) I guess this is what is to be expected by Cloudflare’s blocking technology.


I am running much older setup (for better or worse…i leave things alone if they are working over here)

Core 2023.3.6
OS 9.5
Frontend 20230309.1

I think I’ve identified why some of the recent attempts to get this working again have been successful, and others haven’t. The server API has definitely changed (yet again.)

But I think I have an idea of how to make it work again (assuming no more changes to the server API.) The changes necessary are a bit extensive. I will probably need to overhaul the life360 package, as well as the HA integration. I’ll do this with my custom version of the integration. This will take some time. I’ll keep everyone posted on my (hopefully continued) progress…


Good luck!

It would be really nice if we could get Life360 back. The other solutions just aren’t as responsive for some reason

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Though I also would like to see Life360 working, I’m surprised on how well the location on my pixel has been working as a substitute. And I have very poor mobile coverage where I live

UPDATE: I now have a version of my custom integration that basically works. It’s not complete, and I’m not even ready to release a beta, but this is potentially good news.

FWIW, the most recent issue was the HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error. Turns out, it only seems to respond that way for the request that gets the list of Circles, and then only sometimes. It does return a retry-after header, and using that, I’m able to get it to work.

I’ve effectively rewritten the integration mostly from scratch. There is now only one “config entry” (aka Integration entry), and it will accept more than one Life360 account in the options. It still only supports the older email/password login method.

I’ll keep everyone posted as to how it’s going. If anyone would like to give it a try, let me know. Take a look here:

Overhaul implementation by pnbruckner · Pull Request #14 · pnbruckner/ha-life360 (


fair play Phil…that’s great.
Happy to test if you’re happy it’s more or less good to go…is it the “new_api” branch to install?