Life360 Device Tracker Platform

Released 0.5.0b7

Catch TimeoutError exceptons during server queries. Package was catching asyncio.TimeoutError exceptions, but apparently aiohttp also throws Python built-in TimeoutError exceptions as well. New package version now catches TimeoutError exceptions so they are handled properly by the integration.

Thanks for coming back to this. I have it installed and the list has populated with everyone. Now I just need to go back and see if the automations need to be configured differently. :slight_smile:


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Phil, another thanks. Installed b7 and this is the first version for me that has stayed connected overnight. Fingers crossed but last few releases are working well.
Much appreciated.

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Installed b6 yesterday and its working like a dream for me so far. Really, really appreciate all the work on this integration!

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First of all thanks a lot for your integration
I try to update integration from version 0.3.10 to last beta version 0.5.0b5

And it is not working for me :

Enregistreur: homeassistant.setup
S'est produit pour la première fois: 16:06:03 (1 occurrences)
Dernier enregistrement: 16:06:03

Setup of 'life360' is taking longer than 300 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer
Enregistreur: homeassistant.bootstrap
S'est produit pour la première fois: 16:06:03 (1 occurrences)
Dernier enregistrement: 16:06:03

Error setting up integration life360 - received exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 167, in async_setup_component
asyncio.exceptions.InvalidStateError: invalid state

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 181, in async_setup_component
asyncio.exceptions.InvalidStateError: invalid state

Do I need to do a fresh install (uninstall + new install) to work? or is it something else?

Thanks for your help

The latest beta is 0.5.0b7. Please try that. In theory, you shouldn’t have to do anything but upgrade.

Thank you very much @pnbruckner for your quick answer
I have the same 2 error messages after re-updating from v 0.3.10 to 0.5.0b7 (I think that my previous post already concern b7 even if I wrote b5… :sweat_smile:)
Additionnaly, my integration is automatically disabled :

When I click on activate button, nothing seems to happen

I will try a fresh install (removing the integration, removing life360folder) and will see if it works again

OK no need to make a fresh install : Just need to delete the account and reconfigure new one.

Thanks again for all of your work ! It is awesome

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Released 0.5.0


Thank you very much for your work! I just have one problem! I installed the latest version. Everything works fine. I can see the entities of all the people, but it shows only one person on the map. I can’t see the other people!
What can I do?

Képernyőkép 2024-05-28 220752

Go to Developer Tools → STATES. In the “Filter entities” box enter life360. Do you see all the device_tracker.life360_xxx entities? Do they all have a full set of attributes (latitude, etc.)? Do the values look reasonable? Do some have a state of “Home”?

Thank you for your response! I see that there is no problem with Life360. All data is visible! However, I still only see 1 person on the Map! Interesting…

The default map does not show trackers that are At Home. This is by design so it looks okay to me, assuming those people are all indeed at home.

I just moved the Home zone to another place, but the situation hasn’t changed! The map still shows only 1 person!

Do you see the people on the map well?

If that is a map card, you have to select which entities are shown. If so edit the card. Also, which entity is currently being shown? A device_tracker or a person?

The original factory map card was on top. I just deleted this and added the life360 entities one by one and now it’s perfect!
Thank you for your help!

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I believe I have followed your instructions carefully, but the logs look similar to before changing the verbosity level. I only found one instance of ‘Ignoring’, but none of ‘life360.api’ or ‘response data’

What version of the integration are you currently using?

If the verbosity level is at least the middle option, and you reload the integration, when it completes the retrieval of the Circles & Members, then you should definitely see some response data.

So, make sure the verbosity level is at least the middle option or lower (i.e., less redaction.) Then reload the integration (Settings → Devices & Services → Life360 → three-dot menu → Reload.) Then you might see this warning on the System Logs page:

Could not retrieve full Circles & Members list from server; will retry

If you do, then wait until you see this second warning:

Circles & Members list retrieval complete

Now, enter the following in the search box and click LOAD FULL LOGS:

response data: {"circles"

What do you see?

Then, enter this in the search:

response data: {"members"

What do you see?

Ok, I didnt reload the integration last time:

Line 43074: 2024-05-29 19:33:16.790 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.life360.coordinator] Circles & Members list retrieval complete
Line 41973: 2024-05-29 19:23:51.518 DEBUG (MainThread) [life360.api] user1: Response data: {"features":{"device":"1","smartphone":"1","nonSmartphoneLocating":"0","geofencing":"1","shareLocation":"1","shareOffTimestamp":null,"disconnected":"0","pendingInvite":"0","mapDisplay":"1"},"issues":{"disconnected":"0","type":null,"status":null,"title":null,"dialog":null,"action":null,"troubleshooting":"0"},"location":{"latitude":"XXXX","longitude":"XXXXXX","accuracy":"50","startTimestamp":1717002712,"endTimestamp":"1717006961","since":1717002712,"timestamp":"1717006961","name":"Home","placeType":null,"source":"u","sourceId":"132fbc6c-7e24-4e73-85ac-edb8eb55031a","address1":"Address","address2":"Address","shortAddress":"Address","inTransit":"0","tripId":null,"driveSDKStatus":null,"battery":"33","charge":"1","wifiState":"1","speed":0,"isDriving":"0","userActivity":null,"algorithm":null},"communications":[{"channel":"Voice","value":"XXXXXXXX","type":"Home"},{"channel":"Email","value":"User1","type":null}],"medical":null,"relation":null,"createdAt":"1716376834","activity":null,"id":"d0529339-7374-432c-bb47-5f1f2fb5352e","firstName":"FirstName","lastName":"LastName","isAdmin":"1","avatar":null,"pinNumber":null,"loginEmail":"user1","loginPhone":"+XXXXXXXX"}

Version being used is 0.5.0

I have not moved location during these logs. But have not changed anything else and left the integration running for a couple of days, travelled to different areas, but checking the device tracker entity says it’s always at ‘home’. The Life360 app tracks fine and so do the other GPS trackers that I have been using (they seem a bit slow for the automations I use, so thought I try this Life360 again).