Life360 Device Tracker Platform

0.5.3.b2 has been working well for me for over 24 hours now - a big improvement! Using username & password.

I just said the following in one of the open integration issues. Iā€™ll repeat it here:

Even when one of the new beta versions ā€œworksā€, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not working very well. I.e., itā€™s very possible itā€™s having to retry error 403 very often, meaning that updates are coming very slowly (minutes apart instead of seconds apart.) Iā€™m not sure I would consider that ā€œworking.ā€ In fact, Iā€™ve just about given up on this and have stopped using the integration myself.

It was one thing when requesting the list of Circles often resulted in error 403 or 429. That information doesnā€™t change often, and once obtained, really doesnā€™t need to be obtained again, so retrying for a long time was ok. But now that the server is responding with error 403 while requesting member location data, that really ā€œthrows a wrench in.ā€ I currently have no idea how to avoid these errors, and that may be by design. Iā€™m not sure there is a ā€œfixā€ for this.


Iā€™ll add, error 403, although shown as a ā€œlogin errorā€, really is just the server saying, ā€œgo away, youā€™re not wanted here.ā€ It does NOT necessarily mean the login credentials are bad. In fact, lately, it doesnā€™t mean that at all. It just means the server is (probably) protecting itself from unauthorized, unsupported third-party usage.

The reason it is shown as a ā€œloginā€ error is that a long, long time ago, when I first added specific handling of error 403, it was in conjunction with obtaining the authorization token (i.e., ā€œlogging inā€.) But it was only reported as a login error if the returned message also had the word ā€œloginā€ in it. Somehow along the way that second part got discarded and any error 403 was, inappropriately, classified as a ā€œloginā€ error. I would fix that, but given the situation, the point is probably moot.

I wonder if all this is coming from some rate limiting with using the same account as a regular user. I created a ā€œservice accountā€ thatā€™s added to the circle Iā€™m waiting data for that Iā€™m using with this integration. I havenā€™t seen any of these errors or had anything break since I started using this revision of the integration.

I havenā€™t convinced myself yet, but Iā€™m thinking this is a TLS fingerprinting issue. Iā€™m guessing that since more and more users have started to use this new version of the integration, Cloudflare has started blocking our TLS fingerprint(s), either for the first time, or more aggressively than before. (E.g., it used to only respond to the request for Circles with error 403, or 429, but now itā€™s starting to respond to other, and possibly all, requests the integration makes with error 403.)

Interestingly, I almost always run two instances of HA, my ā€œproductionā€ system on the default port, and a test system on a different port. And while Iā€™ve been working on this newer implementation of the Life360 integration, Iā€™ve used it from both instances, using the exact same Life360 account information. My production system has been plagued by the new errors like many other people, yet my test system continues to work just fine. If I had to guess, the port number goes into the TLS fingerprint calculation. So, my production system is blocked, because it has the same fingerprint as many other people using this integration, whereas (Iā€™m guessing???) my test system has a different fingerprint, and Cloudflare has not decided to block that since it doesnā€™t see it nearly as often.

Anyway, just guesses at this point.

Iā€™m not sure what might be different for me but I havenā€™t had any errors at all in at least the last week (I hadnā€™t checked it in the past so the only data I have is whatā€™s in the recorder history).

If it helps Iā€™m on the latest version of the integration.

I wonder if this is a difference between accounts that have been authenticated (Phone number etc.), and accounts that have not.
I created a new login and have specifically NOT registered my phone number on that account.
I cant use the integration.
Might be something or nothing, but worth considering I guess.

My life360 account is non authenticated. I just use a email & password.

Who knows. As Iā€™ve stated previously, I use two accounts - my main account, which is verified, that I use in HA with a manually obtained access token, and a test account, which is not verified, that I use in HA with a username and password. And I have two HA systems, my production system and a test system, both running on the same computer. Both Life360 accounts work fine on my test system, and both Life360 accounts do NOT work on my production system.

I logged back in using the token. Itā€™s been almost 7 hours but it still hasnā€™t logged in my circle. Is there something I can check to see whatā€™s going on?


You can try the latest beta (0.5.3b2). Other than that, it appears to be broken again, and again in such a way as Iā€™m not sure how to fix it.

Thatā€™s the version Iā€™m using

I am on an old old beta version (in fact I installed it from github direct and mounted it in my config in docker) and I have had no issues whatsoever. very strange.

My version:

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 09.36.49

I have probably jinxed it, but my work friend is in the same boat as me, installed ages ago when Phill worked on it and never updated.

I donā€™t see that release listed in the releases at the github repo. Any idea where I can find it to try it?

mine finally died a week ago and I finally have time to mess with it again.

Also does anyone else have any suggestions to try that worked for them?

I login using a user/password instead of a verified number and now Iā€™m getting ā€œLife360 account login errorā€.

I know a week or two ago mine stopped working. I checked and it had ā€œdisabledā€ my account. I tried re-enabling it and after an hour or two it disabled again and quit working. At the time I was using an older version since I had seen others having issues with newer releases so I just left it alone (since it had been working fine for me).

I did a full upgrade of all my containers including Home Assistant and then pulled the latest Life360 release but I didnā€™t mess with it after that. Friday night I went in and re-enabled my account and it has been going ever since.

So not sure what happened a week or two ago but so far it is working fine again after re-enabling my account.

This is what mine shows:


It is on here.

Good luck

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Indeed @TimothyGaray, I uninstalled the add on a few weeks back when it would constantly disable, but have been checking back here every few days in the hope of a new fix arriving.

Saw your post, reinstalled the addon and its all working again, in fact the circle retrieval was very fast.

Maybe it was a problem Life360 side, maybe it is to do with the fingerprinting @pnbruckner referred to in a previous post and with a lot of users removing the service its now back to acceptable parameters.

Iā€™ve held off integrating the devices into automations for now but will monitor over the coming weeks for drops.

FYI using the 0.5.3b2 version

I can also confirm that going back to the 0.5.0b5 version has resolved the login error I had been experiencing. The integration is now back to working again.

Iā€™m not sure if that tells us anything but at least itā€™s another data point.

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I did try the same with 0.5.3b2 and it worked for 2 days now. So I will try to go back to 0.5.2 and see if that works in the next couple of days.

Still going strong. No disconnections. Would it be some sort of disruption in the API of life360? And would it be solved? I really hope so.

The last time I tried the integration again on my production system, it still did not work ā€“ constant error 403ā€™s.

I was still running HA 2024.5.5. Based on recent comments, and the fact that it worked on my test system, which was running newer versions of HA, I upgraded my production system to 2024.7.4 today and re-enabled the Life360 integration. To my pleasant surprise, it worked!

The only thing I can think of is that somehow the TLS fingerprint changed due to changes in the latest HA versions. If so, maybe this will work again for most or all of us for at least a while until Life360 and/or Cloudflare gets upset with us again. Who knows!

FWIW, I doubt the difference between 0.5.2 & 0.5.3bx matters. I happen to be running 0.5.3b2. Iā€™ll try to release it as 0.5.3 before too long.


Oh, and I might change the update period from 10s back to 5s.

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