Life360 Device Tracker Platform

I currently have my configs like you showed in the migration with the files in the life360 folder under custom_components. I have the following as below:

- username: !secret life360_username
password: !secret life360_password
driving_speed: 18
interval_seconds: 10
max_gps_accuracy: 100
minutes: 45
prefix: life360
- driving
- moving
warning_threshold: 2
error_threshold: 3

I removed it from device_tracker. The question I have is I see a lot of people doing templates that pull battery information, location, etc but not sure how they are getting that from this setup. If I add any of these states it fails on ā€œcheck configā€ (places) it seems to only like driving, moving only.

Please see:

This does not show that places is an option for show_as_state. Also the migration instructions specifically state that places is no longer supported.

Also, there shouldnā€™t be any life360 related files under custom_components.

So you do not need the Life360 custom_components files anymore? Cool. That is what I thought on ā€œplacesā€ but I did not see that line in the instructions. Ah I see what I was doing wrong nowā€¦ ā€œread the freakin manualā€ duhā€¦thanks

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Step 1 in the migration instructions is to delete them. All the files are now part of the standard HA release.

I removed from my phone the life 360 app, anb deleted it also from configuration.yaml. I also delete it from known_devices. However when I restart HA my details keeps appear in known_devices and I have the sensors also in the fronted. How can I completely remove it please?

Go to the Integrations page, click on Life 360, then click the delete button. Then remove the entries from known_devices.yaml again. When you restart HA they should be gone.

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Anyone else having lots of issues with life360 updates today? My logs are more full than usual with bad gateway, max retries exceeded, etc.

Iā€™ve seen more than usual as well. Still working, though.

Yes, just walked into a dark house which is out of the ordinaryā€¦and then took several more minutes to finally get connected. I wonder if Life360 is limiting resources to non-app sourced requestsā€¦

No Issues hereā€¦ depending on your setup you may want to leverage a second source for device tracking for the automations you run when you get home. I am using WiFi peering to trigger several automations with a ton of success lately.

Itā€™s nothing to do with the app sourcing - their website is also barely working at the moment.

On another unrelated but sort of related note, Iā€™m STILL having issues with their app going dark (not reporting location) inexplicably for spans of time and then suddenly inexplicably starting to work again. These can last for a few hours to a day or so. Unrelated to battery percentage. Started to happen about 6-8 months ago. I posted about it at the time.

Life360 just posted a notification on the appā€¦they are working on things.

Iā€™m not getting a device tracker for Life360ā€¦ what am I missing?

Just added the integration Life360, entered my username and password. When I click on the integration name it says ā€˜this integration does not have any devicesā€™. I have been patient for a couple of days, also rebooted twice in that period. But still ā€˜no devicesā€™.

The Life360 app is installed on my phone, location sharing is activated, I can see my position in the app.

What more do I need to do to get a device tracker in Home Assistant?

That is normal.

Do you see any device_tracker entities (try looking on the States page)? What is in known_devices.yaml? Do you have any life360 configuration entries, and if so, what? Did you previously use the custom integration?

No device tracker for Life360 in the States page. Thereā€™s no configuration entries for Life360. I did not previously use the custom integration. In known_devices.yaml at the bottom I found this:

  hide_if_away: false
  name: life360 roelof
  track: false

I just set track: true. Thatā€™s probably it :slight_smile: Is it normal that it defaults to track: false? If so, shouldnā€™t we mention it in the docs?

You probably have ā€œtrack_new_devices: falseā€ somewhere in your config under ā€œdevice_tracker: new_device_defaults:ā€. And this is mentioned in the docs. Unfortunately what people tend to forget, or maybe not appreciate fully, is that this is a global device tracker configuration.

Interesting. Indeed I have track_new_devices: false set under the first configured device_tracker which is asuswrt. Apparently you are right, this is a global setting. I think this is not very clearly described in the Device Tracker docs page, could be improved. Also, a link from the Life360 docs page to the device tracker page might clarify things a little. Iā€™ll post a PR for the docs on Github.

Edit: done :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your work with this, Phil. Iā€™m wondering what best practices would be for presence detection. Looks like for the most part I go from ā€˜homeā€™ to ā€˜drivingā€™ so would a good automation be to use those two states to determine that Iā€™m away? Iā€™m asking because I realize Iā€™m not levering the not_home state that I see mentioned so want to ensure I have set this up correct (still learning HA & automations :slight_smile: )

Hi. I just saw your post on discord, too.

To trigger an automation with a state trigger you do not have to specify both from: and to:. In this case you can just use from: home. That will trigger whenever you leave.

Also, if you donā€™t like, or otherwise donā€™t want your device tracker to have the driving and/or moving states, then just change your life360 configuration accordingly.

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Great point about using only the from field. Disappointed I didnā€™t think of thatā€¦kind of obvious. Thank you for taking it easy on the n00b!