Life360 stop working

Yes, as @Jsdray said, PLEASE don’t give up! As a family of mixed Android and iPhone users, Life360 is pretty much the only option that works well, and works well within HA (when it works) thanks to you!

Does anyone know if this can be solved within HA?
It seems to me that the Life360 site has changed something regarding logging in.
I can imagine that this is not solvable within HA.

It’s not entirely “just giving up” trying to keep up with the API changes. It seems now that Life360 (via Cloudflare) has started to actively lock out unauthorized uses of their API.

It’s not 100% clear, but it seems they have enabled “bot protection” (don’t ask me to explain, I’m not the expert on that).

In the past, the HA Life360 integration (via the life360 PyPI package), tried to emulate the network requests their app does, and this has worked well for a long time. Recently their API changed, and through the help of some others we were able to adjust accordingly and effectively continue what we’ve been doing for years.

But very recently, those emulated queries are getting rejected. We can verify that the HA integration is making the exact same requests (URLs, headers, auth tokens, etc.) as their app, yet they are getting rejected from HA, where they work when issued from their official app. It would seem this cannot be worked around, which, of course, is by design.

So, until Life360 provides a supported API, which, given recent responses from them, seems very unlikely to ever happen, there’s no point in trying to make the HA integration work.


I was already afraid of this. But in any case, thank you for your effort and time you’ve put into trying to resolve it.


My Life360 integration has not been working for over 2 months now and I am at a point to replace that integration with “Mobile App” integration. But I would really like to see Life360 integration working again!

So does everyone, except for Life360. :slightly_frowning_face:

Kinda sad that many companies have taken the MyQ approach :frowning: Hopefully there will be a more stable and larger Matter or Zigbee2MQTT ecosystem in 2024.

When accessing a site using CloudFlare with bot detection using a Windows tool we developed it was odd. We had to use the Delphi integrated socket code, indy socket class kept on failing, AND we had to use an Edge useragent. If we used Chrome, it failed always despite the official API/Browser communication we were emulating was using a Chrome useragent.

So despite using byte for byte the exact same request (header, referrer, useragent, keep alive, cookies, http version etc) as the official app it would not work. Started POSTing requests changing things one by one and when the useragent was changed bingo Edge got through.

Thank you for all of the work that you put in on the Life360 addin. I enjoyed using it and appreciate your dedication.

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I wish the mobile app ‘just worked’ out of the box as well as Life360 seems to.

I’m curious if anyone has tried rolling back to an earlier version of HA to see if Life360 will work?

I seriously doubt that would work. As an FYI, a PR has been submitted to remove the Life360 integration from HA.

In case you haven’t seen it, you should see this post from above.

I ask because mine stopped working after the last update. It actually stopped working about a month ago or so but then I installed the patch and it started working again. Now after this last update 2024.1 it stopped working again.

I tried:

  1. Removed the patch. Still not working.
  2. Changed Life360 password and unverified phone number. Still not working.
  3. Added a service account for Life360. It still would not work with either my account or the new service account.
  4. I removed the Life360 integration from HA and started trying to figure out how to get Google Maps to work instead.
  5. Finally got the Google Maps integration to work yesterday.
  6. Today, just for kicks, I decided to try Life360 once again and it worked! This was using my account and not the new service account.

What’s even stranger is that if I restart HA then Life360 stops working. If I add the service account to Life360 then it works. If I restart again then it stops working. Yet if I switch accounts again then it works.

So every time I restart HA then it stops working but if I switch to another account then it works again. Not sure why this is or how long it will work for but I hope this helps.

I’ve heard that some are still able to get Life360 to work. But those reports have been few and far between. So, I’m not entirely surprised to hear you got it working, but I’m also not surprised that you’re getting inconsistent results.

There has been a lot written, in several topics & core issues, about Life360 recently, so you may not have heard. Up until about a week or so ago, we were able to “keep up” with the changes to the Life360 server API. (2023.12.4 was the last in that process.) But then it seems that Life360 has taken active steps to prevent unauthorized usage of their API, such has Home Assistant. (Users of Hubitat & others have also experienced these issues.) Although there is no formal confirmation, it seems they are using Cloudflare’s “bot protection” to reject requests from anything but Life360’s own apps. It seems it is very good at that job. Even reproducing the exact same network requests as the Life360 app isn’t enough. They still get rejected. I’m also told that the method that protection uses can be a bit hit or miss, which probably explains why some people can still get the Life360 integration to work, sometimes.

So, the “bottom line” is, we’ve given up trying to “get around” Life360’s blockage. It’s just not worth it anymore, even if it was possible, which it seems it is not.

Any decent alternatives now the L360 is effectively dead for us? (I have owntracks installed on my phone but It doesn’t work consistently on some other family members’ phones.)

See (at least):

Look what I just received via email…

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