Life360 very inaccurate

ditto. IT’s now my single source of location as all the others I tried where not great

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Thanks for the answer.

I should have said that Life360 was working great earlier on the same phone (Huawai). Im not sure if it has been an update to Life360 or to HA that have caused the error.

However, I’m still quite sure that HA just reports - and acts to - what Life360 tells it, because as I said earlier, I can see myself moving all over in the Life360-app.

Mutt: I have witness errors of about 1 km at most… Mostly the error is greater than the zone I have setup for home (300 m). Sometimes also in the middle off the ocean, and NO - I’m have not a floting home :sweat_smile: My wife’s position is stable, it’s just mine position that is all wrong. There are no others in my household.

Life360 uses proprietary technology to help its positioning whilst using the smallest amount of power possible (checks wifi cells and Bluetooth beacons I believe) anyway it’s made life360 both ubiquitous and pretty reliable. Like Lolo and Phil, I sing its praises, HA (as via Phil’s integration) can only report what it thinks (ie what it’s told) .
So it’s not HA and as most people have no issue, so it’s either the phone itself or the app is confused. Did you change phones recently ? Did you pass on the old phone or is is switched off in a drawer somewhere ?
I don’t subscribe to the view Huawei have it in for us (at least in this petty way)
Most likely though I’d say that your phone may be damaged (the GPS part at the least)
Try a few other GPS positioning apps including checking Googles own.
Do some comparisons.
Report back when you know more

Sorry, that’s a bit confusing and apparently contrary to what you said before. Yes, HA’s life360 integration can only use the data as it gets it from the Life360 server. And, AFAIK, the HA integration is working correctly. But this recent statement seems to imply that the HA integration is responding just as well as the Life360 app. So now I’m confused.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! After some testing, I found that Google Maps also was acting “crazy” on my phone, like Life360. It seems that the phone’s GPS is faulty. I tried some apps for calibrate the GPS but with no luck so far. I guess it could be something wrong with the antenna. Too bad for the phone is quite new.

So can you then change the title of this topic from “Life360 very inaccurate” to “My Huawai phone’s GPS very inaccurate”?


Have to mark your answer as the solution :slight_smile:

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Eh.? Why ?

What did Phil add ?

I added that his initial assertion was “inaccurate.” :laughing: :laughing:

Has anyone else noticed recently that the Life360 app is no longer happily and reliably background updating? Both my wife and I are now getting frequent messages from Home Assistant that an update is overdue. It’s generally restored after about an hour or so.

We now have four phones in our Circle, two of which are Android and two are iPhones. I’m seeing this on the two iPhones, and they are tending to take upwards of an hour or so to update. I would say this started probably a few weeks ago.

So relieved it’s not just me. I’d contact life360 but they are spectacularly uninterested in such bug reports and would rather just send copy pasta replies

well “copy pasta” is the tastiest :smiley:


Just an update: I found that something is interfering with the GPS-signal - probably something with the wifi-router. Nothing wrong with my Huawei phone :slight_smile:

So I’ve updated to the latest version of life360 and it seems to have (possibly) resolved the big delays between updates bug but it’s introduced another one - for the first time ever I’m now getting inaccurate updates. Marked as home when I’m not and marked away away when I’m not. Ridiculous. I don’t understand how they can keep breaking something which was working!

I have no issues whatsoever.
1 x iPhone 10S, 1x 1Phone 11, location is accurate and quick

Glad it works for you. It’s gone to S for me. iPhone 6S here (both). Don’t know if the creator of the integration is still having trouble with it or not.

Again, like we found above, have you checked where your map application says you are compared to life360 ?
Or are you saying its a fault with apple devices ?

I’m saying it’s a fault with the Life360 app. Obviously part of its decision as to whether to update the life360 server is based on things like whether it deems motion has taken place. I find whenever I have a problem with the life360 app all I need to do to get the app to “wake up” is open the app, and that suddenly causes it to zoom in on my correct location and update the server, OR, on the odd occasion that isn’t enough, if I click the ‘refresh’ button in the app.

Actually I’ve just noticed another bug with the app. I know from Home Assistant’s logs that today the Life360 app has done a decent (but not great) job at keeping up with my movements. It’s clearly detected me leaving to walk the dog for an hour, and arriving at the gym at around lunchtime. I’m still at the gym, working in the cafe. However the Life360 app says “At Gym: Since 09:20”. Which just isn’t the case… 09:20 is when Life360 woke up to me being at home, I actually got home at 09:10.

Crucially, though, Mutt, even the iOS companion app which obviously uses the same GPS as life360 noticed I was home at 09:10. It’s saying something if even the companion app tracking is now more accurate/reliable than life360’s! :rofl:

Still - good news I guess for the companion app and those who use it. :grinning:

The other thing for me which confirms it for me that it’s the app not my phone which is at fault is the fact even the creator of the integration is (or was) having troubles with the life360 app.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

An update for any future browsers of this thread. I’ve now ditched life360 and removed it from my phone and my wife’s phone. Moved over to the truly excellent iCloud3 platform. This platform was besting life360 by 20 minutes or more 80% of the time recently and on no occasion was it itself bested by life360. Life360 USED to be spot on but has got worse and worse over the months I’ve had it installed. Feels so good to not be reliant on it anymore. Thanks Gary. @gcobb321