Light Entity Card

I experienced something similar, but not by having the persist_features setting set to true only, but in combination with setting show effects_list to true as well.

Setting effects_list to false allowed me to have other features persist, and the card to function normally.

I suspect it has to do with the recent core frontend update to using MWC web controls, and custom cards needing to change how they use text inputs and dropdowns. I thought of posting an issue on the card’s GitHub, but hadn’t got round to it as noone else seemed to be seeing this - perhaps you could open an issue there, and I’ll add my experience?

Exactly, the same problem you describe, I opened an incident and they closed it directly for me by sending me here.

Ah, I see - well, this looks less like a support issue and more like a bug to me, but I’m far from being an expert, so let’s see if others chime in.

Did you open the issue against home assistant or the light entity card? Because if it’s an issue with the light entity card, then you should be here or on the light entity card github page, not home assistants github page.

EDIT: I See you did write it against the light entity card.

Did it support vivi ZLight HaiPaiTech? I only got “color loop” in effects list.

Does this work with lovelace-auto-entities?

its the last bit I need to have a complete dynamic UI, but I cannot get it to work

Hello, I am trying this plugin, but if I add a card, it only shows the name, no controls, no RGB-wheel or anything, must the controlled light have any special settings? It is identified as a RGB-light (see yaml for the light under)

- channel: 1
      name: stue_rgb_sofa
      type: rgb
      #default_rgb: [0,0,0]
      transition: 3


I’m new to HA and I wanted to try a frontend for the first time.
But when I entered the standard code into the custom card I got this.

Screenshot 2022-11-07 232409

Is there a way to fix this?


Did you install the custom card from HACS first?

Yes I downloaded it right here

I have a fibaro RGBW installed and manage to made this card and color picker wheel work.

What I don’t understand is the effect_list.
I see things come by with Rainbow, colorloop, Fireplace, LAPD etc. but how to get those effects so I can use them?

The effect list I can make visible but of course nothing worked when set a value as rainbow or colorloop, random.


I have the light-entity-card installed, and it works fine for me. But every time, I switch on an light, I get a short error message:

What can I do, to avoid that error?


I had the same problem - light-entity-card installed successfully through HACS, but when I tried to use it by manual entry it would show the same error. Restarting HA container helped, and light-entity-card started appearing in card select, and I was also able to use it with manual entry.

Hi @emjay276 ,

I tried your approach to add the nice gradient background to my colour temperature slider. But unfortunately, I can’t get it to work.

What I did:

  • I installed lovelace-card-mod via HACS:
  • I added the following in configuration.yaml:
  themes:  !include themes.yaml
   # While card-mod can be installed as a lovelace resource, some functionality will benefit greatly from it being installed as a frontend module instead. 
    - /www/community/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js

themes.yaml contains nothing but:

    # Nice BG for color temperature slider
    ha-slider-background-light-entity: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(165,201,241,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(254,151,7,1) 100%)'

And my card has the following config:

type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.praktijkruimte_led_panelen
show_slider_percent: true
header: Paneelverlichting
brightness: true
color_temp: true
shorten_cards: true
consolidate_entities: true
child_card: false
full_width_sliders: true
hide_header: false
brightness_icon: weather-sunny
temperature_icon: thermometer
color_wheel: false
persist_features: false
white_value: false
color_picker: false
smooth_color_wheel: false
speed: false
intensity: false
force_features: false
white_icon: file-word-box
speed_icon: speedometer
intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
style: |
      .ha-slider-full-width ha-slider {
        border-radius: 4px;
        margin-left: 10px;
        margin-right: 10px;

I have reloaded the themes and also rebooted Home Assistant.

But I don’t get the nice background.

I must admit, I’m relatively new to HA, so I probably overlooked something?

Is there anyone that can help me with the above? I would really like to have a color temperature background for my slider.


I wasn’t able to find this Issue in this Topic.

When i have persist_features=true i have the bug that the Light can’t be switched off , even through the Card’s own switch. If i turn persist_features off, the Switch works normal again and the light can be switched on and of. I use the Version 5 of the Card Addon

I’m Using a Light group entity

My Card config is as followed:

shorten_cards: false
consolidate_entities: true
child_card: false
hide_header: false
header: Pc Licht
color_wheel: true
persist_features: true
brightness: true
color_temp: true
white_value: true
color_picker: true
smooth_color_wheel: false
speed: false
intensity: true
force_features: false
show_slider_percent: true
full_width_sliders: true
brightness_icon: weather-sunny
white_icon: file-word-box
temperature_icon: thermometer
speed_icon: speedometer
intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.pc_licht
effects_list: true

Is this a known bug? And if yes, what’s the solution to it?

Anyone has an idea how I can add an mdi: icon to the header field on this card?
I already tried adding this to my card code but this does not work:

<ha-icon icon=“mdi:mdi:ceiling-light-outline”>

Also adding the code below does nothing:

icon: mdi:ceiling-light


I think you will have to look into card-mod to achieve that.

thanks, did not think about this, let me dig in.

Hey, mine is also currently broken. I also switched to mushroom cards.
If I have some time, I will try to fix it for you.

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