Light Entity Card

I had the same problem - light-entity-card installed successfully through HACS, but when I tried to use it by manual entry it would show the same error. Restarting HA container helped, and light-entity-card started appearing in card select, and I was also able to use it with manual entry.

Hi @emjay276 ,

I tried your approach to add the nice gradient background to my colour temperature slider. But unfortunately, I can’t get it to work.

What I did:

  • I installed lovelace-card-mod via HACS:
  • I added the following in configuration.yaml:
  themes:  !include themes.yaml
   # While card-mod can be installed as a lovelace resource, some functionality will benefit greatly from it being installed as a frontend module instead. 
    - /www/community/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js

themes.yaml contains nothing but:

    # Nice BG for color temperature slider
    ha-slider-background-light-entity: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(165,201,241,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(254,151,7,1) 100%)'

And my card has the following config:

type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.praktijkruimte_led_panelen
show_slider_percent: true
header: Paneelverlichting
brightness: true
color_temp: true
shorten_cards: true
consolidate_entities: true
child_card: false
full_width_sliders: true
hide_header: false
brightness_icon: weather-sunny
temperature_icon: thermometer
color_wheel: false
persist_features: false
white_value: false
color_picker: false
smooth_color_wheel: false
speed: false
intensity: false
force_features: false
white_icon: file-word-box
speed_icon: speedometer
intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
style: |
      .ha-slider-full-width ha-slider {
        border-radius: 4px;
        margin-left: 10px;
        margin-right: 10px;

I have reloaded the themes and also rebooted Home Assistant.

But I don’t get the nice background.

I must admit, I’m relatively new to HA, so I probably overlooked something?

Is there anyone that can help me with the above? I would really like to have a color temperature background for my slider.


I wasn’t able to find this Issue in this Topic.

When i have persist_features=true i have the bug that the Light can’t be switched off , even through the Card’s own switch. If i turn persist_features off, the Switch works normal again and the light can be switched on and of. I use the Version 5 of the Card Addon

I’m Using a Light group entity

My Card config is as followed:

shorten_cards: false
consolidate_entities: true
child_card: false
hide_header: false
header: Pc Licht
color_wheel: true
persist_features: true
brightness: true
color_temp: true
white_value: true
color_picker: true
smooth_color_wheel: false
speed: false
intensity: true
force_features: false
show_slider_percent: true
full_width_sliders: true
brightness_icon: weather-sunny
white_icon: file-word-box
temperature_icon: thermometer
speed_icon: speedometer
intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.pc_licht
effects_list: true

Is this a known bug? And if yes, what’s the solution to it?

Anyone has an idea how I can add an mdi: icon to the header field on this card?
I already tried adding this to my card code but this does not work:

<ha-icon icon=“mdi:mdi:ceiling-light-outline”>

Also adding the code below does nothing:

icon: mdi:ceiling-light


I think you will have to look into card-mod to achieve that.

thanks, did not think about this, let me dig in.

Hey, mine is also currently broken. I also switched to mushroom cards.
If I have some time, I will try to fix it for you.

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I’m having an issue and I just wanted to check if this is normal behaviour.

I use several Light Entity Cards on a Lovelace dashboard and whenever I switch to that dashboard view all the lights revert to the settings when that page was last viewed, rather than it reading the status of each light and setting the view accordingly.

So, for example:

  1. I turn a group of bulbs on using the card
  2. I navigate to somewhere else in Home Assistant
  3. An automation turns the bulbs off
  4. I go back to the dashboard with the light card on and the bulbs get turned back on again

Is this normal? It doesn’t happen with other cards - like my heaters, for example.

I should mention that I have groups with several bulbs in, but I’ve not tested this with individual bulbs (I will do that and report back).

Hello, I don’t know how to merge a group of lights under the same color wheel, I think I did it correctly but I guess I did not.

I made a helper that has both of my lights. Then I made a Light Entity Card and selected the new helper entity, however it displays two color wheels (one for each device in the group) rather than one to control both.

I tried using group: true but it is apparently not doing anything. How can I use one single color wheel for two entities? Thanks.

Do you have persist_features enabled?
If yes: try to disable it and try again.
I have the issue that persist_features would switch my lights back on if i switch them of through the UI

Yes, I did originally and did try that but it didn’t fix it. Unless it needs to be disabled for all cards in the same view. I didn’t try that.

is it possible to place the selected color in somekind of helper to use it later on?

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I’ve just updated to 2023.3.0b0 and noticed the color wheel no longer shows on any of my light entity card instances, has anyone else found this?

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There are significant changes in 2022.03 to the core more-info popups on which this card partly depends.

You might find the color wheel does appear after you open a standard popup for any light entity.

Probably worth opening an issue on the GitHub repository for the card, but the developer may well feel this is a breaking change too far.


I’ve opened an issue but doesn’t look like this card has been updated in a while :frowning:

Color Wheel no longer showing up on 2023.3.0 · Issue #104 · ljmerza/light-entity-card (


unfortunately, there’s too many break changes at this point to support this card. would need a good rewrite that i dont have the time for

Thats sad to hear. This has control has been a staple in my HA install. Thanks for all the work you have put into it though :slight_smile:

So what alternatives do we have for colour wheel controls at this point? I am not a fan of the popup controls, I shouldnt have to open something to see whats happening.

Hi all, I have the same problem. With this last update the color wheel doesn’t work anymore. What are the alternatives? Any one can recommend other card that can do the same? Regards, Luis Sismeiro

I don’t have the knowledge to rewrite this card like @ljmerza said needs to be done but I wish I did. I use this card for so many things. I guess I just have to appreciate it for the use that I have already got out of it. Thanks @ljmerza.