Light Entity Card

sorry just found the actual releases section, and clicked on the js file and it download rather than needing save as. Suspect this is the problem, told you I was noob! Let me try uploading this…

nope, still not working after restart sorry

trying this on one hue bulb which is currently turned off but turning the bulb on doesnt help

You tried this file

Does it say anything in the console in your browser?

Just updated HA to the latest version, then removed the light-entity-card from the www folder and uploaded the one in the link you provided (which was the same kb size so pretty sure thats what I had)

Another restart and still the same issue.

Custom element doesn't exist: light-entity-card.
  "type": "custom:light-entity-card",
  "entity": "light.danielles_bedside_light",
  "color_wheel": true

I know this is going to be something I am doing wrong, but I do not know what.
Not sure what you mean about console in my browser i’m afraid.

Does the filepath need anything after it like a version number?

  #weather card
  - url: /local/simple-weather-card.bundle.js?v=0.3.0
    type: module
  #colour wheel custom card    
  - url: /local/light-entity-card.js
    type: js

Its the only difference I can see between the weather card and yours other than type.

refresh of my log shows this:

2019-08-13 13:06:07 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201908050] Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

the new UI of HA I am not sure where to see check config anymore, other than at the very bottom of develop tools. There used to be a check config button?

So I got home tonight, played with the HA app on my phone and noticed the card had appeared! Need to check on the pc but it’s definitely working on the phone app and looks lovely.


Its under ‘configuration → server control’

Looks like you downloaded the html instead if the js file. If you downloaded the js file from the releases tab then hard refresh home assistant on your browser.

So checked today. The card works on iOS in the app but does not work in safari but does work in chrome so guess that is to do with it being js?

Just need to check what it’s like on pc.

Also, noticed that using the colour wheel does not give the correct colours ie on a Philips hue bulb selecting orangey gives green. Think I saw someone else mention this so will look into it see if there’s already been a reply. Like it though on the platforms it’s working on at the moment.

Don’t no why, but after the last HassIO-Update(189) the toggle On/Off is gone. Any way to get it back?


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@ljmerza It has been a while I see (last message in october). But I am back with two questions. (I did open a Feature Request on your repo, but I know if I look at my own repo it gets overlooked pretty quickly).

Anyways thank you for adding the smooth color wheel in the last update. However I have 2 other requests again (I am sorry).

Request 1:
Could you add an option to hide the effects list all together?

Request 2:
Would it be possible to have a color_temperature_wheel? Something like this:

Obviously it doesn’t have to be this style, but it would be awesome if we had something like this in the same style as your current color wheel.

Sorry for asking this here/and on your repo. But this card is great so thanks again for your amazing work!

Hi all! I installed HACS and Light Entity Card, but I’m new for this and wondering is this plugin suitable for my goal. I want to make “candle” effect on rgbww led strip which is running on the LimitlessLed platform. Is is possible to use this plugin or the best way is to configure LimitlessLed platform lights without this plugin?

Glad I found this card for my color bulb, looks awesome, thank you!


  1. how to define and use effect list? I didn’t find much info on the page
  2. for the color section, can I just have a few horizontal options say: white, red, green, yellow, purple (solid circle with color)? I kind of recall saw this some where but can’t find it.

Hello all! Has anyone had any issues with the color wheel not showing up? The card installed properly (seemingly), however I have no wheel. I have ensured the config is set to true, restarted HA multiple times, even reinstalled the plugin.

The brightness slider works, but that’s about it. Thanks in advance if someone can point me in the right direction.

what lights are you running? if tuya based then yes, no color wheel. have to flash the lights with tasmota or esphome to get it back since the is broken for tuya at the moment… if not tuya based. sorry not sure.

Here are some fixes for your issue. Just a little warning, because I don’t know how tech savvy you are.

IF you mess up, you have to install Home Assistant Core (previously called Hom-Assistant) again.

They are indeed Tuya based, that explains it, thanks for the info!

It didn’twork :confused:

tuya RGBW bulbs, HA 0.107.5 (now updated to 0.107.7 and still didnt work)

I see only one slider without colour wheel picker

Hi everyone! I wonder if this card works with any ha light entity (like for example template light entity)?
Using Hassio v0.109.2.

I have and IR controlled Intelite lamp which allows to control the light temperature and intensity, but for some reason I do not see any controls other then on/off switch:

Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 12.24.54 PM

Here is my light setup (it’s a work in progress so still figuring out how to set up the controls for T and brightness):

    name: Kitchen Intelite
    initial: off

    name: Kitchen Intelite Brightness
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    min: 20.00
    max: 100.00
    step: 4.44
    initial: 100.00

    name: Kitchen Intelite Temperature
    unit_of_measurement: 'K'
    min: 3000.00
    max: 5600.00
    step: 288.89
    initial: 3000.00

- platform: template
      icon_template: mdi:ceiling-light
      friendly_name: Kitchen Intelite
      level_template: "{{ states('input_number.kitchen_intelite_brightness') }}"
      value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.kitchen_intelite', 'on') }}"
      temperature_template: "{{ states('input_number.kitchen_intelite_temperature') }}"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_intelite
        state: 'off'
      - service: input_boolean.toggle
          entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_intelite
      - service: remote.send_command
          entity_id: remote.kitchen_rm_mini3
          device: intelite
          command: noon_mode
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_intelite
        state: 'on'
      - service: input_boolean.toggle
          entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_intelite
      - service: remote.send_command
          entity_id: remote.kitchen_rm_mini3
          device: intelite
          command: turn_off

and my ui-lovelace.yml:

- type: vertical-stack
  title: Kitchen Controls
  - type: custom:light-entity-card
    entity: light.kitchen_intelite
    color_wheel: false
    group: false
    brightness: true
    color_temp: true

I would love to have the ability to control the light temperature and brightness in UI.
Any help or info is appreciated.


How can i get the effect list …
I have installed light entity card … see the below image

i did not get any color selection . may i need to install any effect seperatly