Light Entity Card

Hi! This might sound like a stupid question but I would like to give it a shot. Is it possible to use the color wheel on a dumb LED strip? I have an LED strip that changes its color through IR. I am using Broadlink to control it in HA. TIA!

When I consolidate entities I donā€™t get a color wheel. Is this normal behaviour?
I wanted to use the card to switch multiple RGBW strips to the same color at the same time.

Without consolidate entities, the wheel works for all entities

Consolidated: the wheel also doesnā€™t show when turning it on.

First-time HA user, here. Iā€™m trying to use light-entity-card to control an Ikea TrĆ„dfri RGB light through Zigbee2MQTT. At first, the card wouldnā€™t load, but that got fixed with 2021.1.3.

However, it wonā€™t display the color wheel even though this is an RGB bulb. Or the effects list for that matter.

Here is the relevant part of my my ui-lovelace.yamlā€¦

      - type: custom:light-entity-card
        entity: light.man_cave_light
        persist_features: true
        color_picker: true
        effects_list: input_select.custom_effect_list

Here is the relevant part of my configuration.yamlā€¦

    mode: yaml
      - url: /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js
        type: module

Here is what Iā€™m seeing in my Overviewā€¦

Interestingly, when I am using Configuration > Scenes to create a scene with this bulb, I get a color picker that looks an awful lot like light-entity-card. I was going to post an image of it, but apparently new users are limited to one image per post.

Thanks for the help,

Hereā€™s that second imageā€¦

Hi and thanks for this card. Iā€™m using it with a Monoprice Goodway RGB/W (looks like the Qubino) controller and RGBW strip lights. When I first installed HA and Z-Wave, it found this device and put an RGB picker in my default dashboard. Somehow, I lost that and re-adding the device only gave me 2 dimmers, no RGB picker. So I tried your card and while it works, when I pick a color it seems to swim across the other colors between the 2. As I recall, the one that HA choose for it allowed a direct pick of a color. Any suggestions? Thanks again.

Just following up to my posts of last week. Iā€™ve updated HA to 2021.1.5 and HACS to 1.10.1 and the card is now working fine after reinstalling.

I have tried this card briefly but cannot understand how to use it with the pre-defined programs in my RGBW controller (effect list)

The effect is triggered by setting a parameter on the z-wave device like

  service: zwave.set_config_parameter
  data_template: {
    "node_id": 7,
    "parameter": 72,
    "value": <the-individual-value-per-button>,

Does anyone have an example on how to do this with this card?

Need some help here.

I have created an input_select as:

  name: Effekt
    - None
    - Fireplace
    - Storm
    - Rainbow
    - Aurora
    - LAPD
  initial: None

I have automations setup:

- alias: RGBW Effect Off
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "None"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 1

- alias: RGBW Fireplace
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "Fireplace"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 6

- alias: RGBW Storm
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "Storm"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 7

- alias: RGBW Rainbow
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "Rainbow"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 8

- alias: RGBW Aurora
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "Aurora"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 9

- alias: RGBW LAPD
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.albin_rgbw
    to: "LAPD"
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 7,
      "parameter": 72,
      "value": 10

And finally the Lovelace card as:

title: Albin
  - badges: []
      - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
        entity: light.albin_rgbw_level_6
        effects_list: input_select.albin_rgbw
    path: albin
    title: Albin

When running the automations directly = they works as expected
When tiggering via light-entity-card = it doesnā€™t work.

Do you have any ideas?


Iā€™m having a similar issue. I also have a working input_select. However, when I try to use it via this card it triggers the light on command and not at all the input_select options. I can see this from the logs as an error/warning ā€œlight already onā€.

Any help is much appreciated.

@Foguli I created a separate entity which works perfect

      - type: entities
          - entity: input_select.albin_rgbw
        title: Ljuseffekt
        state_color: false

Thanks! That works much better than just an entity card. Iā€™d still like to get the embedded effect list to work somedayā€¦

I have the exact same issue, did you figure out how to get a color wheel with consolidate option true?

Sadly no, I still havenā€™t found a solution for this.

Another heads-up from other thread that could affect this: Controlling Fibaro RGBW via REST API

On the android app i have to tap to select color. is there any way to enable holding down my finger and letting HA update the colors on the fly?

it gets a bit tedious when i wana select the colors all the way at the edges, but i keep pressing just outside the circle.

would be nice if i could press in the middle then drag to the desired color.

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Iā€™m having the same issue. Did you get this fixed?

Anyone else having the issue with this card where config.yaml defined light groups no longer show controls like brightness, color, etc? All I can do in my interface is toggle the switch on and off, but I get no controls in lovelace for brightness or anything else. The brightness controls show up in the entities themselves, but not in this card.

EDIT: Looks like itā€™s the same issue everyone else is having re: consolidated entitiesā€¦

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Good afternoon, there are no such problems.
but the lack of an icon and a different font throws me off balance. How can this be corrected?


type: entities
  - entity: sensor.gateway_uptime
  - entity: switch.gateway_join
  - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'
    entity: light.gateway_led
    shorten_cards: true
    brightness: true
    color_temp: true
    white_value: false
    color_picker: true
    smooth_color_wheel: false
    hide_header: false
    child_card: true
    show_slider_percent: true
    full_width_sliders: true
    brightness_icon: weather-sunny
    white_icon: file-word-box
    temperature_icon: thermometer
    effects_list: false
    group: false
title: SLS Gateway
show_header_toggle: false


I thing there is an error in the HA. i always used the original RGB card with my Athom RGBWW. since a few days the card works not fine. the color temp doesnt work. changing from white to any color by tapping in the colorwheel does nothing. of course this i went to this RGB card.

I noticed the same issue and was bummed. I like this card, because I can hide everything and JUST have a brightness slider under a larger ā€œbuttonā€. It works well in a dashboard setup. Hoping this gets fixed in a future update. It used to work great with light groups.

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