Lightwave (1st gen hub) after integrating devices appear on dashboard but none work

Good morning!

Yes. Got it from Amazon. It only handles 433 MHz so you’d probably be better off doing some research to find a different manufacturer. It also only works on 2.4 GHz wi-fi which is a bit of a pain when you’re setting it up, and you have to teach it each command individually, which takes ages. To be honest, if I were starting again I’d look at something else. Check the HA integrations to see what works.

As far as Lightwave goes, I think you’re doing everything right. The issue seems to be connecting with the hub. (I’m assuming, of course, that all the lights work normally without HA and that you can switch them on and off from the Lightwave app…)

You might try testing the switch service with one of the lights in Developer Tools. If switch.turn_on and the entity are both available in the drop-downs then HA should be set up correctly.

As you say, unfortunately there is no auto discovery for LightwaveRF. How did you determine the device names to put in the configuration file? I could not find any means to determine which worked so I created lots of entries and kept trying each one until one triggered. I then made a note of each one that would trigger and moved on. Once I had them all, I deleted the ones that didn’t work.

The other approach I eventually took was to delete all devices from the app and all rooms from the app. I then created a single room and added all the devices in there. Given that I didn’t really care how the lightwave app presented them then this made it easier to discover them all in HA.

So you think this is all to do with getting the R1D1 etc. right? I seem to remember that the order of rooms and devices didn’t make much sense - except perhaps that it had to do with the order in which you first put rooms and devices in on the app.

It’s an interesting and similar point made by both you and dwp (Donald). It could well be linked to the name of the device (which matches how each is described in the Lightwave app) or perhaps the room number/device configuration e.g., R1D2. There is little guidance on this.

I have a few chores this afternoon that I need to be getting on with, afterwards I’ll try a few things to test that theory.

I’ll post back to update later.

Thanks for your help so far.

I don’t think the name matters. Room and device numbers on the other hand are assigned by the Lightwave hub when you add a room or switch and you can’t change those.

I think I’ve discovered the cause of the problem with help from you both.
When I first edited my configuration.yaml to include the lightwave rooms and devices I made a huge assumption; I looked at my lightwave set up and assumed that the first room listed within the graphical interface would be room 1 and the devices within that room would be numbered in a similar way.
That’s probably not the way I should have done it. I don’t yet know how to identify the correct room number and device number for each device but they do all work when I switch on the “master switch” at the top of the switch card on my dashboard!

I guess I could switch one thing on and walk around the house looking to see what’s come on, a tad difficult as I’m recovering from a hip replacement. I’ll seek out a better way, maybe involve the better half, although I do risk an increase in the number and severity of moans.

Thank you both for your input and assistance.

I’ll report back once I’ve figured it out.

Excellent! Well done! :grinning:

Great to hear it is at least partially resolved. One day I might try and figure out a way of getting auto discover to work - if anyone has any pointers as to where to start I’d be glad to hear them.

It turns out that I was way too enthusiastic and made another assumption. All of the lightwave devices turned on in the room I was in when I turned on the “master” lightwave switch on the home assistant dashboard. In fact, they were the only devices that turned on, the ones in other rooms did not. I’m talking about a physical room here, not the rooms setup within lightwave.
None of the other lightwave devices around the house turned on.

I’m going to take a leaf from your book Donald and start afresh in lightwave by deleting my existing devices and rooms and start again. That way, I’ll have a fresh config to work from.

I’ll let you know how it goes.
If nothing else, it keeps me out of mischief.


Just reporting back on progress.
All sorted. I wiped my lightwaverf setup by unpairing and deleting each device and then I deleted the rooms. I then added a new rooms and followed that by pairing each device within each of the rooms. That gave me a clean mapping of devices in rooms.
That did the trick. I now have a fully functional lightwave integration within home assistant.

I wanted to say a big thank you to you both for your guidance and pointing me in the right direction.

@depr11259 Paul, I’m digging around to get my Lightwave to work. When you say you approved the link to the hub, can you explain approval process. Thanks John

Hi John,
I’ll do my my best to explain, although my memory of events that I did over 18 months ago may be an impediment.
I eventually got my lightwave kit to work by wiping out my lightwave set up and carefully recreating it and then editing the HA config.yaml to reflect my new setup.

Specifically, the approval process is simply pressing the “ok” button on the lightwave hub when it asks for permission to link the device. This request to link will happen after using the syntax you’ve quoted above. Hope that helps. Happy to help further.