I was able to get it working via OZWCP but Home Assistant still does not recognize it as a barrier device - that is true when using the cover platform as well. I haven’t had time to try and go through the code yet (and even then it’ll take some time to figure out the codebase). At this point, my Linear garage door opener is a glorified Z-Wave repeater
… expensive glorified Z-Wave repeater!
I at least have mine on a Smart Things hub so I can use tit, but its the last thing before I can turn that sucker off forever.
I am using the Evolve LFM-20 ZWave Fixture Module for my garage door. It is a relay switch, so when turned on it opens or closes the garage door, depending on its state, so I have it turning on, then off 5 seconds later, and when tied to the tilt sensor as a template switch, I can use it as a normal on/off switch in Home Assistant.
I also came from SmartThings but have had it shutdown and sitting on the shelf now for 3 months because all my devices are now fully working in HA.
Here is the Amazon link for the LFM-20:
You need an old computer power cable for this. You cut the end off so that you only have the wall plug and bare black, white and green wires, which you attach with wire nuts to the corresponding black, white and green wires of the LFM-20, and then you attach the 2 blue wires on the LFM-20 to the same contacts on your garage door opener that your existing garage switch is attached to. The whole install, with wiring only took me like 20 minutes. Plug it in the outlet in your garage ceiling right next to the garage door opener plug and BAM, working ZWave garage door.
I found another Amazon link that is cheaper and with Prime. The title says it is a GoControl, but the picture, reviews and questions support that this is the LFM-20 rebranded.
My LFM-20 cost me $45 but this link costs only $37 and Prime shipping:
Sweet - I’ll take a look - thanks!
So to be clear, this is a regular on/off low voltage switching unit, and you make it into a momentary switch with automations, then tie it all together with a template switch?
Bingo, that is exactly right, and it works a peach! Tied to my tilt sensor, the switch in the frontend is on when the garage door is open and off when it is closed, and all the nitty gritty is done in the backend.
My switch looks like this:
platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.binary_sensor.ecolink_garage_door_sensor_sensor_38.state }}'
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.garage_door_toggle
service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.garage_door_toggle
entity_id: binary_sensor.ecolink_garage_door_sensor_sensor_38
and I have a script called garage_door_toggle.yaml that looks like this:
alias: 'Toggle Garage Door Relay'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.evolve_guest_controls_lfm20_fixture_module_switch_34
- delay:
seconds: 5
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.evolve_guest_controls_lfm20_fixture_module_switch_34
Obviously I could have just had my template switch turn on the actual evolve switch directly and use an AppDaemon app in place of the script to turn it back off:
self.listen_state(self.turn_off_garage_switch, "switch.garage_overhead_door", new="on", duration=5)
and then turned it back off, but I have all my automations moved over to AppDaemon already, I just need to integrate some of my scripts over there as well.
I actually prefer the idea of a script for this - it seems more “wired in” somehow!
OK, I am convinced, I think I’ll get hold of one of these and finally ditch the ST hub! It would be nice to eventually have the linear unit working as it has a delay and a warning, but this is a great alternative until it is supported - thanks again!
One more question - what are you using for the tilt sensor?
You mean which tilt sensor, as in manufacturer? or do you mean how is the tilt sensor tied into everything? I know, probably stupid question, but my mind is a little fried right now lol
LOL - no worries - manufacturer please.
Ecolink Z-Wave Wireless Tilt Sensor
Perfect, thanks.
I have the relay in and working - works like a champ with a little AppDaemon magic to do the momentary part - the App will be in the examples dir in the next release if you are interested.
Still waiting for the sensor to tie it all together but so far so good!
How do you “manually patch OZW and OZWCP to make this work in HA”?
Josh’s post up above from July 26th is what I used to manually patch and compile both. That said, as also noted above, I haven’t been able to get HA to recognize the opener as a barrier even with the patched versions of OZW and OZWCP unless I’m doing something wrong. I’m able to get the opener to work via OZWCP but not via HA.
So what’s my best bet for a reliable garage door opener solution that FULLY works in HA and may or may not use zwave? I don’t want a solution that works half way or requires more things like a wink hub.
The approach up above seems to be working. AeonLabs makes a garage door opener that, I think, doesn’t use Barrier mode so that may work as well. I picked Linear since it had more safety built in and was a pretty simple install. I have a vested interest to try and make it work, but I haven’t had time to dig around in the HA code yet (and it’ll take me a while as that will all be fresh for me).
I gave up, returned this garage door opener, and went with the fixture module and tilt sensor solution above. So far so good.
The time at which I could return mine has long since passed It sounded fairly promising initially so once I have time perhaps I’ll try again to look into it further. For now, the device still remains a fancy repeater for my network at the moment.
I also just completed the home brew setup - I have now added the sensor and made a template switch, works very well. I have left the Linear hooked up and will revisit in the event we get support in HA.