Linear NGDZ00-4 Garage Door

That’d be a bad install of OZW.

interesting, I guess I’ll try a reinstall? I forked the HA version of open-zwave and then made a change to usercode.cpp. I used that fork for my install, kind of the same process as I used back when we had to do our own barrier support.

Make sure to uninstall python-openzwave via pip I ran into that issue.

good call. I just did that, uninstalled the home assistant version as well, reinstalled everything upgraded HA, and unfortunatly still getting the error. I’m running OpenZwave Version 1.4.3252, is that correct

Ya that’s the version it should be, what does pip freeze give you?


I’m thinking I may have forked the wrong version. I dont see barrier support

Is that right? I dont see the barrier files in there at all

Branch should be: hass

This is making me feel like an idiot. I thought i had the right branch, thought I had the right hass branch as well. Can you post the URL of where I should find this branch?


edit I’m browsing to the hass branch in a browser and clicking on fork,but it’s forking the non hass branch

edit2: I guess this should work. I’m learning some git :slight_smile:

git clone -b hass

Thanks for the continued help. I’m good, my cover is back and did not have to do anything special (other than use the right branch)

Good to hear, do you have your usercodes.cpp hosted on github?

Sure do

So I am pretty new to the home assistant world, I was originally using smartthings hub to control the garage door, but it doesn’t integrate the greatest with home assistant. So I bought a zwave usb to use with hassio. I have been trying to follow along, but I am I am not sure if this is suppose to work without any changes being made or do I still need to make changes to update homeassistant-pyozw. I am running OpenZwave Version 1.4.3254. I have home assistant v.0.84.6 running on hassio v.141 on a ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS system. I have the network key in place and the cover in my config.yaml, but does not show up, all I see is binary_sensor.linear_gd00z4_garage_door_opener_remote_controller_sensor.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

Likely you didn’t use the “Add Secure Node” button.

Check the OZW_Log.txt for errors. You can view it via the zwave panel in HassIO.

I figured it out, I didn’t unbracket the network key in the options.xml. It is now working. Thanks

So to be clear, there is no way to get this to work right now on

That is incorrect. It should work out of the box in the latest version of HassIO

Ah ok, Sorry, this is for a buddy. I am wondering if he just didn’t do a secure add. He is seeing the zwave device but no way to actually control the garage door.

That’s usually a non-secure add symptom, have him give you the first 3-5 lines of his OZW_log.txt likely missing the network key.

Does anyone know how to add an item to the OZW device list? I have the new Schlage BE469ZP lock which is exactly like the old one except Zwave Plus, but HASS doesn’t recognize it. I know that you all did something similar with Linear in the past… any ideas?